Chapter 12.

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Marina's POV

"Uh...can I help you guys?" I asked the both of them as I walked inside and closed the door behind me. I threw my purse onto the kitchen counter top as I waited for one of them to speak.

"The walk of the shame? Who was your prey this time?"

"Wow Renae, what a lovely welcome party you throw." I rolled my eyes sarcastically before pulling my feet out of shoes that were hurting my toes so bad. "How did you get in anyway?"

"You gave Sidney a key, remember?" Renae replied in a mocking tone. Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.

"That was for emergencies," I replied through gritted teeth. Sidney avoided my glare as she shuffled back into a corner. As much as I love the girl, I sometimes wish she would speak her mind and stop letting people walk all over her, she's not a doormat.

"This is an emergency."

"Unless someone died or Ryan Gosling is in my bedroom stark naked covered in lotion waiting for me, this is not an emergency." My response clearly didn't wash over too well with Renae, I watched her fist closely as it grew tighter and tighter with my every word. I probably should stop before I get in too deep.

"Do you ever take anything seriously?" She spat back viciously. "God, everything is just a joke to you."

"No it's not," I solemnly replied, maintaining a calm composure. "I just don't blow things out of proportion. Now can you calm down and please tell me what the f  is going on?!"

Renae laughed ominously as she rolled her eyes dramatically. I sighed before running a hand through my matted hair. I was praying there was no penguin poop tangled within the strands, that stuff is not fun to get out.

"Why did you turn up to the club last night? You weren't invited."

"No one told me I wasn't invited." I justified, our eyes narrowing towards one another from across my apartment.

"No one told you, you were invited."

"We always go everywhere together. Why wouldn't I be invited?"

"Because I didn't want you there!"

I bit my tongue trying to avoid any harsh words spilling out of my mouth from my sharp tongue. Renae was already pissed off, I didn't want to push her over the edge, that side of her is far from pretty. I quietly let out a small 'oh' sound before switching my body weight between my feet, feeling awkward and uncomfortable right now.

"I didn't want anything bad to happen." She honestly spoke, a lot quieter and serener this time.

"What did you think I was gonna do?"

"Oh I don't know..." She spoke, her voice turning dark again.  "Sleep with a guy you literally met two minutes ago just to say you slept with a celebrity!"

"You think I slept with Niall for that status? I couldn't give a damn if he was a celebrity or not."

"So if he wasn't famous you'd still let him just jump into your bed?"

"That's not the point."

"That's exactly my point. You can't keep in your pants and you're going to ruin it for the rest of us."

"Ruin what exactly?" I threw back sharply. I stamped across the room so we were a maximum of two feet away from each other. I could feel her hot breath emitting from her lips on my face as the anger built up inside of her.

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