Chapter 27.

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Marina's POV

"Are we going to another football match?"

"You can keep guessing and I'm going to keep saying no."

"Even if I get it right?"

"Yep." He grinned proudly as he continued to tap his fingers on the steering wheel to the rhythm of the slow however dramatic sounding song emerging from the speakers. I sighed at my failed efforts and leant back into the leather-cushioned seat. Niall had woken me up from my twelve hour-long slumber and told me I had to dress urgently. I thought the building was on fire or something however he just wanted to surprise me.

We had been driving for twenty minutes if that but we were far from the city centre, the traffic was still thriving but at least we moved more than two yards at a time. I don't understand why people bother driving in London, the tube is a lot more efficient, unless you happen to be some worldwide boy band sensation, it probably wouldn't be the smartest idea. Getting mobbed in a tight space would only cause trouble.

I propped my elbow up on the armrest and rested my forehead against the window, the cold glass gave me a slight brain freeze sensation but I grew accustom to it pretty fast. I had a smile playing on my lips and I couldn't help it. Niall was happily singing along to the words seeping from the radio, his voice brought pure joy to my ears. He'd only been back from tour two days and he was already missing performing, I could tell. He would sing everywhere, anywhere and at anytime. Yesterday at three in the morning he woke me as he serenaded his 'mid-morning' snack, as he likes to call it. Sometimes I think he forgets how loud he can be, I was walking back towards the apartment the other day and I could hear his guitar strumming from half a street down. He did have all the windows open but that wasn't exactly an excuse to turn his amp up to full volume. How was he not deaf? I would have found it hilarious if the doorman didn't scream me at, apparently the 'horrendous' noise was making him deafer than he already was.

"We're almost there," Niall's voice cut through my thoughts drawing my attention back to him. "You excited?"

"I don't even know where we're going." I chuckled as I flicked the radio off, I wasn't keen on the tune playing. Who plays Christmas songs in spring anyway?

"Doesn't mean you can't be excited," he mused as he smirked to himself, not even letting his eyes leave the road to look at my pouting face.

"You could be driving me to my death for all I know."

"Hate to disappoint but it's not quite that extreme although I do guarantee a day of fun."

"Is that a promise?"

"A promise that today will be the best day of your life? Absolutely."

"And if you can't keep that promise?"

"I'll be your personal slave for a week."

"Okay. And if you do keep your promise?"

"You have to kiss me," this time as he grinned he turned to face me and threw in a not so subtle wink too.

"Alright, deal but you have your work cut out. Best day ever? Now I'm excited."

Once we arrived at our destination I hopped out off the car and slammed the door shut behind me, the angry murmur of dissatisfaction from Niall made me laugh to myself. Boys and their toys. We appeared to be in a car park just off a busy street in Kingston. Was he taking me shopping or something? Because in all honesty I thought the surprise would have a little more thrilling. I didn't say anything as Niall linked our hands together and began leading me down the street. Unfortunately the paparazzi were lurking and after they soon spotted one of the most sought after boys on the planet they entered full on frenzy mode. I'd dealt with them on more than one occasion but they're like flies, they multiply continuously. We had to speed up our walk with our heads ducked down and our hands joined tighter than normal, almost to the point of being painful. I was grateful I didn't suffer from panic attacks or anxiety because these men were like animals. They were shouting, roaring, screaming some unpleasant things to get a reaction out of either of us but we kept our mouths shut and waded through the sea of strangers. I could only imagine the amount of attention we were drawing to us.

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