Chapter 16.

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Marina's POV

My eyes traced the patterns engraved in the ceiling over and over until my line of vision became blurred from too much staring, not enough blinking. I had been lying in bed wide-awake for almost an hour processing my restless thoughts. My mind went back to the other night in the pub with Zayn and Niall. I wasn't a very open person and the fact I had whittled on about Renae's brother to them surprised me. None of the girls knew that part of my life, not even Sidney who was my supposed best friend but recently we've barely had a conversation which has progressed further than 'hi how are you?' and the only explanation to that was because of Renae; she clearly didn't like me having friends. The girls all thought I had my way with any guy I laid eyes on and I can understand where they got that impression. I'd kissed a lot of guys in their presence and the fact they may have seen me walk out of bars, clubs and restaurants with someone on my arm could lead to accusations. But in all honesty, I never slept with any of them. We'd have a steamy make out session but that was it, I never let it go any further. Which led me to ponder why I had let Niall be an exception to that rule. There was just something enticing about him. I never corrected anyone when they brought up my 'player' status, I didn't think it would get me into any trouble and it was just a bit of fun, but all good things come to an end, and right now I was facing the consequences. 

Harry's words from yesterday afternoon still circled through my mind, I hated to admit but his words hurt but they sincerely did. I despised the fact he thought I was some gold digging, heartless girl that was going to ruin his best friend. If he was going to be so intolerable all the time I was going to do my best to avoid him, and undoubtedly the others too discounting Zayn and Niall.

I felt my phone vibrate next to my side, which snapped me out of my trance. I sighed and ran a hand through my tousled hair before I reached towards the device. It was still completely dark inside my room despite it being almost midday. I could put Sleeping Beauty to shame sometimes. I squinted my eyes at the screen as it lit up far too bright for my liking. Apparently I had a new message and not from someone I was expecting it to be from.

5pm, my place, be there.

Don't you just love blunt demands? I threw my phone back down onto the mattress and rolled over the opposite way. I wasn't in the mood for her yet so back to sleep it was. Before I closed my eyelids again I flicked my laptop on and opened up iTunes, I needed some music to soothe me back to sleep. By the feeling of my dry throat and sleep-encrusted eyes I had apparently had an eventful night sleep, as always. I scanned over all the artists, albums and songs in my library, skimming past the likes of; Ed Sheeran, The Black Keys, Pink Floyd, Aerosmith, Kodaline before I settled on Demi Lovato's new album which I downloaded yesterday and not had a chance to listen to properly. I slumped back onto my bed properly, pulling my duvet up to my face and snuggled into the sheets and let tiredness wash back over me.

The next time I woke up my laptop was still blaring the same voice and considering the fact I had slept for another three hours I was sure I'd be reciting the lyrics soon without noticing. I let the melodies continue to play as I made my way through into the bathroom so I could shower, I still smelt like fresh cut grass from yesterday.

I was right apparently, I could faintly hear the music playing inside my bedroom but I was happily singing along to the words effortlessly however out of tune in my small shower cubicle. I almost cut my leg shaving when my neighbour banged on the wall, shouting something along the lines of "shut up you sound like a dying cat". I grinned to myself, I was doing a grand job of annoying people recently.

I slipped on my usual boots accompanied by a pair of skinny jeans and a cream coloured jumper. I'd shoved my hair into a messy bun since my straighteners had decided to conveniently blow up and my hair looked too messy to get away with the beach hair look. I slapped some foundation and my mascara on my face before I strutted out the front door and towards the lift, which thankfully was working again. Although it probably would only be a couple days before some idiot broke it again.

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