Chapter 36 - The End is Nigh, or Niall.

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(A/N: This chapter contains the proglogue -the beginning of the end- which has been rewritten and updated as of posting this chapter due to changes within the storyline)



"No," I groaned loudly. "This is a fucking piss take." I squeezed my eyes shut so tightly it actually began to hurt. I threw my phone with its empty battery on the floor of the static car. My hands were balled into fists as my body began to shake with anger. "I'm gonna kill 'im'."

"Okay there's no need to go and kill people Niall."

"Not helping Harry," Zayn interjected thoughtfully, his eyes glaring out the window, his mouth in a tight line. "Look," he sighed. "It will just be a misunderstanding, you have a reasonable reason, she can't be too mad."

"I feel so bad right now, it's half eight for fuck sake!" I was beginning to shout and showed no signs of controlling my anger any time soon. 

I was beyond livid. The meeting we were forced to attend ending up over running. Meetings took place under professional standards therefore no phones or communication devices are allowed to be used until everyone leaves the room – it was just a security procedure, you can't trust anyone these days which means anyone in the room could record the meeting and sell it to the highest bidding idiot. And since the meeting was about future tours and our album release – with several songs being played, it was a strict meeting. 

I wasn't aware of the time; if I was I would have been out the door hours ago. They said it would only last an hour, an hour my bloody arse. I was angry with the organisers but I was furious with myself. I dug myself a hole and the ground was slowly caving back in. 

Of course there were road works on every road, around every corner and every other traffic light we reached turned red the second we approached. Harry was driving the best he could but with the little progress we were making across town I just want to take control of the wheel and ram every other fucker out of the way. 

I called, text, tweeted and left several voicemails; all to which got no reply. I was too busy concentrating on trying to get an answer I didn't pay any attention to the near dead battery, which evidently died before I got a chance to note down her new phone number. Harry and Zayn didn't have her new number so all communication was lost and I was stressing out. 

"MOVE!" I yelled, although I don't think the driver in the car in front could actually hear, although I was shouting pretty loud so it could have been a possibility. "Green means go you absolute cunt."

"Jesus, remind me to never get on your bad side." Harry muttered, shaking his head but he beeped the horn several times. My middle finger wanted to salute every road user right now but Zayn had warned me several times that it would only cause more trouble. Right now I didn't care though, I needed to get there and soon. 

My legs were bouncing so much you could physically feel the car shaking. I knew Harry wanted to say something but he kept his lips pressed tightly together.

"Will she still be there?" Zayn asked.

"I have no clue."

"Did she tell you why she was going?" Harry joined in.

"No," I sighed angrily. "But she's been upset about something recently and I have a feeling this, what ever this is, has something to do with it. And me not being there when I bloody promised has probably just made everything worse."

"Look, just calm down. Everything will work out."

"Harry, you don't know that!" I replied in disbelief at his calmness.

She's Not Afraid. (Niall Horan)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang