Chapter 38 - Marina's Marina.

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I rolled over several times, taking the duvet with me so I soon turned into a neatly wrapped human burrito. My feet were unfortunately sticking out the end, conveniently though for Niall as he took it into his control to tickle my feet. I couldn't escape due to being wrapped up so tightly so I tried screaming bloody murder but it only encouraged him to carry on – much to my displeasure of course.

"C'mon, up. We don't have all day!" His voice pounded into my ears as he jumped on the bed and continued to shout in my face, forcing me to leave my warm nest I had made. After he finished doing some weird interpretive dance, or whatever he wanted to call it, he relaxed and laid down on the bed, his head placed next to mine. I titled my head to look and him and gave him a genuine smile for the first time in days. 

"You're oddly excited this morning," I mused, flicking a stray hair out of my face before he grabbed my free hand and laced it with his. 

"I woke up next to a beautiful girl who's only wearing my t-shirt and nothing else. Why wouldn't I be happy?"

"Ah, so this beautiful girl, where is she then eh?"

"Oh she left before you woke up of course, although she did leave a nice batch of freshly cooked pancakes in the kitchen."

"Well then, this girl sounds quite lovely. Not to sure about her stealing my boyfriend though. But then the pancakes even it out."

"I swear you're crazy."

"Correction, we're crazy. You started the whole random thing."

"Touché." He chuckled as he launched himself of the bed again. "But I'm serious about those pancakes, it took me over an hour to perfect them and now they're probably cold."

"And you're complaining because?" I grinned. "We'll still eat them anyway." 

And we did. And they were delicious. I sat across the kitchen table, still grinning. My eyes were constantly focused on the person sat in front of me. Of course no one was perfect, but sometimes the imperfections are what make the person even more special. 

I was slowly beginning to feel myself again; I knew it would take time to heal an open wound. I had never dealt with such an ordeal at an age I really understood what was going on. My life wasn't going to stop; it wasn't over – despite it feeling like that originally. But once you're in one mind-set you're stuck there. Until someone pulls you away from the abyss and draws you back to reality. It doesn't have to be bold and abrupt, the simplest of things can help pull you away from the darkness. The light at the end of my tunnel was a nineteen year old, blond kill filled with too much sugar too early in the day. 

"You could land a helicopter on my stomach right," I groaned, slumping further down on the stool. Bloated would be any understatement. My eyes were apparently bigger than my stomach. And despite eating more than me Niall was dancing around, ready for round two. 

"Not quite sure one would fit inside the flat though,"

"You never know unless you try."

"I don't think the neighbours above would appreciate us trying to get a helicopter through their roof."

"I thought international pop stars could get away with anything?"

"I don't think it covers trying to land a helicopter on someone's stomach."

"Well your contract is lame then." I replied sarcastically with a smirk evident on my face.

"I'll be sure to bring it up next time we have a meeting," he responded in the same manner whilst he waltzed over towards me in the kitchen and extended his hand. "Now, go shower and do whatever girls do to get ready." 

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