Chapter 9.

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Marina's POV

Walking into a room, which was previously filled with laughter and chatter but now filled with an echoing silence, is just one indication that you were the main source of conversation. I barely glanced around my living room before I paraded towards my kitchen where I could smell the roast potatoes cooking nicely. 

During my shower I only banged my head against the wall fifteen times which I think was a reasonable achievement considering I felt like standing at the bottom of an elevator shaft with a lift coming hurtling towards me. After standing in the shower and convincing myself to turn the faucet off I emerged from my room wearing an oversized jumper and a pair of black leggings. My jumper covered my butt fully because a butt in leggings on show is not a good look! I whipped my hair into a fishtail braid down one side although it looked like I tied knots in my hair and then fixed it with a piece of elastic. I was going for the "I spent no time getting ready but I still look beautiful anyway look", however I didn't quite pull it off and I'm pretty sure scenarios like said one only happen in cheesy chick flick movies or fan fictions...

I was aware as I stood in the kitchen several pairs of eyes were on me but I was also aware several weren't. I wasn't the main attraction anymore as I heard a conversation start up about the firework display that was apparent last night - not like I personally saw any of it, I was a little preoccupied. 

I tossed the potatoes over before sliding the tray back in the oven and closing the door allowing as little heat as possible to escape. I proceeded towards the freezer to grab the Yorkshire puddings but I was beaten to it.


"So..." I mimicked.

"Don't you 'so' me missy," Sidney was now glaring her famous glare which was enough to send shivers down your spine. They always warn you about the quiet ones. However I am an outspoken person when it comes to some things in my life, I'm not going to beat around the bush.

"I think you pretty much know everything you want to."

"I want to hear it from your lips. No one has actually said anything directly." She replied just loud enough for me to here. "We're all just thinking the same things." 

"Why'd you all stop talking when I came in then?" I posed the question as I raised an eyebrow and snatched the food from her grasp. 

"Story time with Niall." She replied in a monotone voice. "He never got to the climax of the story though, so ya know..."

"Oh don't worry his climax has a spectacular ending." I joked but Sidney looked mortified by it. "What?" I chuckled.

"So you" 

"It? What are we, 12?" I laughed once again. "Anyway, just to fill in the gaps of your story time. We had sex. It was great but-"

"But what? It was great but?" She interjected all too eagerly.

"He stayed over." I spoke shyly.

"What?!" She gasped far too loudly which caused the conversation in the other room to come to a halt and I could sense their gazes on us. 

"I'm kidding, of course I put the oven on!" I shouted for everyone to hear attempting to cover our tracks. 

"Sorry." Sidney whispered, her cheeks were tinted red from embarrassment. 

"It's fine Sid, don't worry. I just don't want questions being fire left right and centre at me over it. It shouldn't have happened."

"Why did it? You never let people stay."

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