Chapter 3.

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Niall's POV

"There he is, Mr Lover boy." Louis winked before he pounced over, rubbing my head like a dog. I swatted his hand away and continued to walk over to the table everyone was feasting around.

"What's he talking about now?" I questioned Zayn as I sat next to him.

"News is that you managed to work your magic on little miss red lipstick last night." He attempted to whisper but his voice was heard by everyone. I grabbed a slice of toast from the stack in the middle of the table, sighing as I did so.

"You mean Marina?" I mused.

"Was that the name you were howling all night?" He joked, earning himself an elbow in the ribcage from me. His grunts of pain were like music to me ear. "Where is the little minx?"

"She didn't stay the night." I retorted, filling my mouth up with food.

"Ooo, she left you. Shame, she was alright."

"Zayn, bloody hell I didn't sleep with her!" I replied, my voice multiplying in decibels.

"Calm down." He chuckled, not even fazed by my outburst. "Why did she leave?"

"Are you talking about Marina?" Renae asked as she joined the conversation, everyone else was now listening too as we slowly devoured our breakfasts.

"Yeah." Zayn replied.

"She won't stay at anyone else's place with other people, heck she won't even let people stay at her apartment." Renae recalled.

"Why?" Harry joined in.

"No idea." She replied, crumbs spilling out of her mouth. I was amused by the fact she didn't care she was eating like a glutton, I guess not all rich kids are supercilious.

"So she won't sleep unless she's at her own apartment?"

"Mm. And she has to be alone too." Another girl, the platinum blonde one spoke up causing our attention to turn to her.

"What about her parents?" Harry asked causing the room to fall silent, awkwardly. The girls exchanged glances whilst the only noise around the room was a knife scraping butter against a slice of toast in Louis' hand.

"She doesn't live with them." Sidney spoke up while she stared down at her plate. She was undeniably the quiet one out of the group of girls, which captivated me since Marina spent most of her time with her, they seemed quite opposite. The room was still suffering an awkward silence afterwards, no one really knew what to say. My head was swimming with questions but they didn't feel appropriate to ask right now.

"So you're all nineteen right?" Harry asked the girls, trying to start some sort of question.

"All but Marina." Renae replied swiftly.

"She's not nineteen?" I asked, I'd assume she was, she seemed like one of the most mature of the group.

"Nope, she's the baby of the group. Only eighteen."

"Ah, young and innocent." Harry chuckled but his response only caused the girls to cackle apart from Sidney.

"Innocent? Wait until you get to know her." The blonde haired girl howled, the only thing that bothered me about her was that I never caught her name.

"Belle is that your phone ringing?" Renae asked her, I guess Belle was her name.

"Speak of the devil." Belle muttered before answering the phone. "S'up?"

I wanted to hear what was happening on the other end of the line but she had the phone pressed up to her ear so close it may as well have been moulded to her face. I heard the girl sigh and observed her closer, trying to work out what sort of conversation they were having.

She's Not Afraid. (Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now