Chapter 28.

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Marina's POV

"Is your throat sore?" I mumbled against the pillow my head was resting against. My eyes had yet to open but I had a feeling Niall's gaze was fixated on me.

"No, why?"

"You snore so loud, seriously I'm surprised the neighbours didn't call animal control." I grinned, finally opening my eyes to see a very grumpy looking boy. His morning hair however was a turn on. His eyes were sleepy as he let out a loud, whaling yawn before he poked the end of my nose with his index finger.

"That was mean."

"I'm gonna get you some of those nose strips that stop snoring."

"You could always sleep on the sofa, there is no way in hell I'd wear those things."

"I could sleep on the other side of the city and I'd probably still hear you," I replied sarcastically watching his eyebrows furrow in response.

"You're mean in the morning," he sighed as he flipped onto his back and stared at the ceiling, his hands clasped against his bare chest where the covers had fallen down during the night.

"But cute right?" I winked whilst tapping the end of his nose this time with my finger. I watched him scrunch his nose up in reaction to it, which caused me to let out a small laugh. "You're cute when you do that, reminds me of a little puppy."

"Good to know. Anyway this little puppy needs the toilet. Fancy making breakfast for me?"

"Burnt toast and week old baked beans good for you?"

"Ha ha," he rolled his eyes as he spoke sarcastically in return. "I'll take one of your famous cheese and ham omelettes with a side of bacon and a boiled egg with dipping soldiers."

"You don't want much do you?" I joked whilst he stalked off into the bathroom leaving me alone in the big spacious bed we had grown accustom to sharing.

I slithered out of bed after a couple seconds of silence and rummaged through the draws that occupied Niall's clothes. After searching through various draws I finally found a jumper big enough to cover my underwear cladded butt. The jumper hung loosely off my shoulders almost to the point it was falling right down. I pulled it up over my shoulders once again before walking towards the door and sliding out.

I was mid yawn when I walked passed the TV room and let out an ear defeaning shriek. I could literally feel my heart banging against my ribcage. I gripped my hand over my heart, which was shaking itself.

"What are you doing here? How did you get in?" I sputtered out at the culprits.

"Just chillin'" Harry replied as if it was completely normal behaviour to be sat in his friends flat without consent.

"Heard you make a decent breakfast too," Zayn quipped in earning a 'humph' from me and a stern look.

"Oh and we used a key, they're very useful for unlocking doors ya know."

"Very funny Harry," I muttered sarcastically. "Why do you have a key for Niall's flat?"

"Niall used to sleep in a lot so we ended up getting keys to his place so we could come and physically force him out of bed."

"And I thought Zayn was the one who was a heavy sleeper," I replied, raising my eyebrows towards him.

"He is, Niall however is just lazy and refuses to get out of bed." Harry spoke before returning his gaze back to the TV where a feature on E! News was playing about himself. He was sat grinning at the screen as the presenter went on to talk about how he was one of the best dressed male celebrities of the year.

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