Chapter 32.

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I woke up to any empty bed something that hadn't occurred since tour. I was used to having bare hands against my chest, legs entangled with my own and my face pressed into her neck. But there was nothing, and I felt oddly hollow. I frowned a little as I reached around and checked the sheets, but with no such luck. I was alone and it just felt odd.

I sat up, yawned a little and scoped out the bedroom. Everything was normal, however the bathroom door was wide open giving me a clear view – it was completely empty too. The frowned reappeared on my face as I clambered from the warm sheets. I didn't like the emptiness. I liked to wake up to morning breath kisses, warm cuddles and our frequent sharing of our dreams in a humorous manner. 

I pulled on a pair of loose shorts, which were previously screwed up in a ball on the floor – they probably needed a wash. I yawned again, covering my hand, Marina would often moan when I showed no manners. It's hard to remember being a gentleman when I was used to living on a tour bus with four other guys and anything goes. You could dribble your dinner, release bodily gases and yawn whenever or however you wanted. Maz didn't appreciate those little touches as much. 

The smell of freshly cooked bacon found its way into my nose as I walked further into the main area of the apartment. Turning the corner to the kitchen I bumped into something, rather someone. 

"Oh, you're awake!" Maz jumped a little, as if my presence was startling to her. I shot her a sceptical look and then peered around her to see what state the kitchen was in. Surprisingly everything was still in tact, I couldn't smell any burning and the apartment block was still standing, everything seemed fine. 

"You're cooking?" I replied in a questioning manner. I was more surprised to see her out of bed this early rather than the fact she looked as if she was cooking breakfast for half the city. 

"I was going to surprise you with breakfast in bed since you have a day off. But no, you had to ruin it and wake up!" She half shouted in reply. She pouted at me, before waving her spatula in front of my face. 

"I do apologise for waking up." I retorted sarcastically and rolled my eyes. "I don't like waking up to an empty bed." 

"Well it wouldn't have been empty if you had slept for another five minutes," she tutted, multitasking as she flipped pancakes with one hand and buttered some toast with the other. She had skills I wasn't aware of. 

"Well you could always come back to bed and you know..." I whispered into her hair as I wrapped my arms tightly around her waist. "Keep me company." 

"I will do, once I finish cooking." She replied ignoring my very obvious suggestion. There was no doubt she knew what I was implying we do in the vicinity of the bedroom, but for some reason she found tossing pancakes more appealing, odd I thought. 

"Fine," I sighed, letting my arms drop back to my own sides. I pressed my lips against her neck before I retreated back to the bedroom.

I didn't bother getting back under the duvet. I ruffled my hair so it was away from my eyes and sat leant up against the headboard. The TV mulled on in the background as I let out yet another yawn. I was still tired from working so much; it took several weeks to fully recover from tour. I'd love to blame it on jet lag but apparently it's impossible if you're only travelling up and down England. 

Five minutes longer than she said she would be, Maz appeared in the bedroom, a tray full of delicious smelling foods in her hands. I smiled widely as she tiptoed across the carpet. I helped take the tray from her hands and place it down gently on the sheets as she crawled on the bed herself.

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