Chapter 10.

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Marina's POV

 "I'm not going to tell you again. Your name is not on the list," the security guard outside the club hissed in my face. I wiped the spit, which had escaped his mouth off of my face and gritted my teeth. My patience was running thin and my dignity had been kicked to the curb. The line circling around the building and back again had been silenced by our encounter. I tried my very best to remain calm but the bouncer was being nothing less than a twat, and that's being nice about him.

"And I'm telling you again, it should be," I snarled, trying to reach towards the clipboard he was holding tightly in his grasp. My name had to be on that list. I didn't get dolled up for nothing. "All my friends in there." I scoffed, trying to remain serious. "Heck they're in the VIP section."

"Yeah?" He replied in a mocking tone. The smirk on his face was etching to be washed away by my hand but I held my composure and glared back at him. "Guess what?"

"What?" I snapped.

"Your friends obviously don't care that much about you or else you'd be on the list," he grinned, seemingly pleased with himself. If I weren't wearing such high-heeled shoes I'd declare a fight.

"Fuck you," I growled as I turned my back to him wondering what my next move would be. I was getting inside that club whether it killed me or not. I was never too fussed about pride or anything of the sort but when over a hundred people are staring, smirking or laughing at you all pride had been kicked out the door and I felt like a complete and utter idiot, and that's an understatement.

"Later, I'm working now."

I turned back around to see the smug bouncer, look ever so pleased with himself. I don't know where I found so much inner strength but I was amazed my hands weren't wrapped tightly around his neck by now. I gained enough serenity to sneer at him through gritted teeth; "In your dreams." My fists were clenched down by my sides, I wouldn't use them on him. He wasn't worth the time or effort, despite how annoyed he had made me. I didn't like violence, in fact I was against it but in the heat of the moment your brain seems to do the exact opposite of what your inner instincts tell you.

 The bouncer's nametag, which shined gold under the street lamps read; 'Jay'. I rolled my eyes at it, I didn't expect some fancy name especially since the way he spoke or composed himself. Whilst I was still sussing out my next move the cringe worthy default ring tone inside my purse silenced my inner thoughts. I snatched my phone out of my bag and smirked when I read the number across the screen. I caught Jay's intrigued expression as I answered the call before he went back to doing his job somewhat properly.

"I was wondering if you were ever gonna call back," I shot down the phone before Sidney had a chance to speak. "The bouncer is being a right-"

"Maz..." She cut me off, her voice was filled with worry and guilt, I'm not Einstein but it doesn't take a genius to work that much out.

"Why is the bouncer saying my name isn't on the list? I am at the right club right? ECC?" I spoke, questioning everything.

"Yeah but-"

"But what Sid? I'm cold out here, come get me?" I was almost pleading but I was in fact shivering. I heard my best friend on the other end of the line sigh deeply, I couldn't fathom what was going on until I heard other voices.

"Sid, is that her?" I recognised the voice; Renae. My face fell as I heard the rest of the conversation. "Tell her we're not here." Her voice continued to ring through my ears. "Well just tell her to go home. Her name isn't on the list, she can't come in."

"Maz, I'm so-"

"Save it," I muttered down the line before abruptly ending the call. I didn't want her sympathy. I was stood outside in the cold getting hackled at by a line of strangers, mentally undressed by a perverted bouncer and watching my pride wash away down the drain. I tried to not let the embarrassment show on my face as I turned away from the entrance of the club and walked the opposite way to which the line went. I didn't need their snooty comments; my night was already pretty ruined.

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