Chapter 8.

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Marina's POV

Alcohol only played fair when you did. Drink too much and the torture games begin. I didn't bother opening my eyes on the first day of the New Year. The gut wrenching feeling in my stomach was a big distraction. I couldn't focus on anything else other than my stomach screaming out for soberness.  I took a deep breath before my senses kicked in. Something didn't feel right. My head hurt a little but nothing a glass of water or two couldn't fix. My stomach was in knots but that wasn't it either. I was tangled in the abnormally heated sheets. Why was my body giving off so much heat? Due to the heat I barely took into consideration that I was naked. And then reality hit my square in the face. Not just metaphorically either. I jumped up from my lying down position when I heard a soft snore next to me. This was not how I remember the night ending. I gripped the bed sheets, the half I actually had possession off, tighter around my body before I scrunched my face up trying to recall why there was a sleeping boy next to me in my bed.

"You're awake?"

I was startled by the voice next to me filtering through my ears. I didn't even notice he had woken up. He asked the question rhetorically, he could clearly see I was awake. He stretched his limbs out as if this situation was normal. I glared back at him as a small smile appeared on his face.

"What. Are. You. Doing. In. My. Bed?" I asked slowly, exaggerating every word.

"You don't remember last night?" He quizzed as a small chuckle left his plump baby pink lips. He sat up on the bed. We were now facing each other at eye level.

"Of course I remember last night. But why are you in my bed?"

"You really don't remember do you?"

"We're not having a replay if that's what you're thinking," I grunted, displeased with his cockiness this morning as he smirked at my confusion.

I whipped the sheets off, un-phased by the fact I was stark naked and walked towards my dresser. I pulled on some clean underwear and rummaged for an oversized shirt to wear. All while Niall stared, most likely liking his lips too but I ignored his gazed. I wasn't feeling overly friendly this morning.

"Now I know you really don't remember what happened last night," he replied as he followed me, dressed only in his boxers, to the kitchen.

"Niall, I'm really not in the mood for mind games. I want to know why I woke up with you in my bed. I need to know."

"Do you remember kicking me out?"

"Yes. Which is why I can't comprehend why you're still here!"

"You know you're not a very happy person in the morning."

"Look. I never let people stay over-"


"Because," I sighed, I didn't want to have to explain anything but something told me Niall secretly knew why. "I don't like sharing a bed," lie. I lied but the more people who knew about my person life the more complicated things become.

"Do you remember calling me back?" I narrowed my eyes at the perky boy sat across the kitchen table from me. He was studying my face for any expression, all he was getting from me right now was confusion. "I was literally about to slam the front door but you kept howling my name."

"I did?"

"You wouldn't stop."

"Was I awake?"

"You were either really drunk or asleep. I'm gonna go with the later."

He was still studying my features as I stood up and rested against the counter. Delicately sipping from the glass of water in my hand. I didn't really know what to say. A situation like this hand never occurred before but from what I can gather from his eager expression the story was far from over. I gulped silently, preparing myself for whatever the next ten minutes could hold. The clock on the far wall read 11:21 am, I was relieved to say the least; I wasn't at work today. My moment of relief didn't last very long when I turned my attention back to the boy sat at my kitchen table practically naked.

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