Chapter 19.

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Niall's POV

I let out a much-needed yawn. I was in the state of; I'm too tired to get up but too awake to stay in bed. If I was back at home I would have happily stayed in bed and played on my phone for endless hours but I wasn't back in my nice, warm, comfortable bed. No, I was in a moving bus, with an extra cramped bunk as a substitute for a bed, which due to the amount of bodies on the bus turns into a sauna very quickly.

I pulled the sheets of my half dressed body and flung my legs over the side of the bunk. It was a good six-foot drop from the top so I had to prepare myself; I had to stick the landing you could say. Just as I took a shallow breath ready for the drop, something, or rather someone grabbed my foot harshly and pulled my shocked body hurtling towards the carpeted floor. I let out a small grunt as I rolled over and looked at the perpetrator. I wasn't impressed with the carpet burns developing on the palms of my hands nor was I impressed with the grinning figure face hanging above my head.

"That wasn't funny," I grunted as I continued to lie on the floor, my body was still unprepared to move.

"It was pretty funny from up here."

"And to think everyone seems to think you're the sweet and innocent one." I sarcastically replied.

"You're really not a morning person are you Niall?"

"Liam, it's half two in the afternoon."

"Details, details." He grinned before swinging his bunk curtain back across and disappearing into his little den again.

Eventually I managed to pull my half mangled body from the floor and groggily walked in to the front lounge with the other boys, minus the practical joker. I flopped down in my seat, letting out a deep sigh in the process. I turned to see what everyone was doing as no one took notice of my recent presence. Zayn appeared to be resting or sleeping on the table, either one he didn't look conscious. And Harry and Louis seemed to be having some sort of cereal eating contest – a messy one at that.

"Louis, the cereal is supposed to go in your mouth and stay in," I scolded him as he continued to dribble milk and Cheerio's all over the table.

"We're having a race," he replied with his mouth full of food giving me a great view of mushed up cereal. Not a sight I wanted to see as soon as I woke up.

"I gathered." I mumbled looking towards Zayn who was still lying lifeless despite the noise happening around him.

"I won." I turned my head back to the other boys to see Harry grinning proudly as he flung his spoon back into his empty bowl.

"You cheated."

"Louis there's no need to be a sore lose and anyway, you got most of it on the table."  Harry smugly stated yet neither of them made an effort to actually clear away their mess.

I leaned even further back into the leather-coated seats and rubbed my tired eyes. I hadn't had a proper night sleep since tour began, I wanted to blame it on being busy all the time but we were always given plenty time of sleep; I just couldn't. My mind would escape to lots of different thoughts; my family back at home, my pet goldfish, what city we were heading to, if I had enough clean underwear to last me the week and lastly Marina. To be constantly around someone all the time and then to have them suddenly out of reach felt weird, the lack of communication wasn't helping either.

"What did Maz want?" I jumped at the sound of Zayn's voice next to me, I wasn't even aware he had woken up and now I'm beginning to doubt whether he was even asleep in the first place.


"She was on the phone right?"

"Uh, yeah."

She's Not Afraid. (Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now