Chapter 24.

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Marina's POV

Considering it was my nineteenth birthday I was planning on sleeping in all day and when I did eventually decide to move it would be to the couch to watch some film showing on Netflix with a glass of Pimms in one hand a bag of chilli heat wave Doritos in the other. Of course this being my life, things weren't going to go to plan.

I rolled over in bed as the loud banging on the front door continued to sound throughout the whole apartment. I searched for my phone lazily on the bedside and without sending it flying across the room I managed to grip it tightly in my hand. I pressed the button waking it up – blinding me with the brightness in the process as I read the screen for the time. Apparently it was later than I had originally thought. It was almost eleven thirty in the morning; I had already slept half my birthday away. I groaned into the pillow as the hard knocking on the door continued.

"Alright alright, I'm coming!" I yelled as loud as my morning voice would muster.

I tiredly, and half-heartedly swung my legs over the side of the bed before dawdling around the bedroom. I almost tripped over my suitcase that I had only collected yesterday. It was sprawled out on the floor, wide open with clothes spilling out of the insides. With Niall being gone again and my sudden wave of loneliness I couldn't bring myself to leave the apartment and I couldn't really figure out why. Although deep down I knew if I left the flat I'd have to actually go somewhere and I didn't have anywhere to go.

Getting my suitcase proved to be a struggle on it's own. My Aunt refused to apologise and literally threw me out of the house, standing by every word she said last week. In my eyes she was no longer family, blood or not. The only reason I managed to face her vicious scowl was because of Niall, he spent almost two hours the night before on the phone persuading me. I felt slightly pathetic that I couldn't muster up the courage to do it without his support but he told me I was brave for even setting foot near that house again.

The day he left again for tour happened all too fast. Unfortunately we both slept in. When we did wake up our legs were entangled together, his arms gripping around my waist and my head was buried in the crook of his neck. There was no room to move, barely breathe but when his phone began going hysterical we didn't have much choice to move. As soon as he picked up, he was out the door within ten minutes with a brief goodbye, or should I say 'see you later'? His quick departure made me wonder whether I was still living in the hellhole on the outskirts of London but when I managed to finally pull myself away from the warm sheets I noticed I was in his apartment, it wasn't a dream – he had really come to save me.

After a couple days I was getting used to be independent again. I didn't have to obey anyone, follow orders or go to bed at a certain time. I even had my phone back since yesterday; the only difference now was that I felt trapped, with nothing to do or no one to see I felt lost.

I tried not to dwell on the depressing factors of my life because I still had a lot to be thankful for. Yes I had an Aunt who had an evil vendetta against me for something my father did to my mother and her sister. She would never let that go and I was slowly learning to understand that. I still hadn't spoken to the girls, Niall had told me on the phone they had been asking about me through Louis's girlfriend. It was nice they still cared but I wasn't sure if I wanted them back in my life just yet. I still had to solve the lost situation I was in. Other than that and not having a job or a flat of mine I had two of the nicest people ever as my best friends. They single handily made my life worth living. I hadn't spoken to the other boys, not even Harry despite our whole 'clean slate' fiasco since that day. I'm sure Niall must have said something along the lines of give her time. But time for what exactly? To get older and wiser? I doubt that would happen any time soon, although it was my birthday so I guess that was one step completed. 

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