Chapter 34.

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"Are you sure you're okay to drive? I really don't mind, you could just give me directions and -"

"Niall, I know how to drive." I grumbled as I lifted my foot off the clutch, which soon sent the car flying forward a couple feet and then stopped abruptly. We were both jerked forward, again.

"You've stalled the car six times and we haven't managed to actually get out of the car park." I could tell he was trying to contain his laughter, if I was him I'd be laughing too. I knew how to drive but I learnt to drive in a Mini Cooper, not a four by four Range Rover. They work the same way, sort of. You use less acceleration to go and the brakes are a lot more sensitive, I was still trying to grasp this simple complex.

"That was the last time, I was just gathering my bearings."

"Good, with the rate you're going I'll run out of fingers to count on soon." He held up his fingers, six in total with a smug grin on his face. I stuck my tongue out at him before concentrating back on driving the car.

"I'm just a little bit rusty, haven't driven in a while." I mumbled, trying to start the engine again.

"So when was the last time your drove a car exactly?"

"Uh..." I mused to myself, I actually had to think about the question. My Aunt allowed me to learn how to drive, but having a car or actually driving one after my test was a big fat no. It didn't really bother me, living in London you don't really need a car to get around. It's much more efficient on the underground. However if you're in a multi million pound boy band it probably wouldn't be the wisest move.  "Two years ago, when I passed my test." I finally answered.

"Ah, good to know I'm in safe hands."

"I appreciate your faith in me."

"Are you feeling okay?"


"You haven't stalled the car in the past thirty seconds."

"You're hilarious." I replied in a deadpanned voice.

Somehow I manage to move the monstrosity he called a car out of the car park and eventually onto the hectic streets of London. We didn't live in central London exactly, however traffic was heaving everywhere in the city. What do you expect when it's the capital though? For the first couple of minutes I stuck well below the speed limits, still trying to get a feel of the car. I hated it in all honesty, I felt like I was driving a bus.

When we pulled up to the fifth set of traffic lights in the vicinity of the past seventy feet Niall decided it would be a good time to fiddle with the radio, so much so it let off an ear piercing sound. 

"Are you trying to deafen us?"

"I was looking for Radio 1," he muttered, his fingers still fiddling with several switches, none of which actually changed the station. 

Considering it was his car it surprised me he didn't know how to do the simplest of things like tuning the radio. Although whenever we rode together I always took control, my favourite thing to do was stick in his One Direction CD and annoy him, I liked to sing along extremely loud and out of tune to wind him up even more. However I learnt my lesson when he decided to film it one time as we stopped in a massive traffic jam. I didn't realise what he had done until Zayn informed me via text that he had put the infamous video onto Vine. That taught me a lesson fair to say.

"It's the first station on there, you literally have to press the button with the number one written on it." I spoke as I gave a brief glance over at him. He had his concentrating face on; bitten lip, tongue poking through and eyebrows scrunched together. I wanted to laugh at him, but I was too busy remembering to change gear without sending us jerking forward. 

She's Not Afraid. (Niall Horan)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن