Chapter 6.

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Marina's POV

            I couldn't see two feet in front of me let alone all the way across the room where Sidney was beckoning me over. I swerved through the slightly demeaning crowd avoiding any spillages from the red solo cup gripped securely in my hand. I hadn't spoken to anyone since arriving at the party. Some people I was trying to avoid like the plague others I just generally didn't know. I felt someone's hand brush across my butt but I didn't even bother turning around to face the culprit, they weren't worth my time or effort. I didn't normally wear heels to such parties but since it was New Years I thought a little effort would be most appreciated by Renae who was holding the party. I was planning on sneaking away in the early before morning and the awful task of cleaning up. As rich as she was she insisted on cleaning her apartment herself, she doesn't like the thought of anyone going through her things. I on the other hand would jump straight up at the opportunity of someone cleaning my flat. I continued to make my way over to the girl with her short brown hair pushed back by some sort of floral headband. She lacked a drink in her hand which signalled to me something was wrong. I cringed as an overplayed pop song blasted through the surround system. I didn't hate the song or the artist it was just far too overplayed for my liking.

I took another sip from my cup as I entered reaching distance of my best friend. "What's up?" I quizzed noticing her uptight composure.

Her gaze landed on something other than me. I carefully followed her line of vision; I spotted nothing unusual which only caused confusion to spread across my face.

"He keeps staring at me" she replied in a hushed voice as she glanced back over in a different direction.

"Who?" As soon as the words left my mouth I didn't need any sort of explanation or direction towards the said figure. "Of course he's going to be here, Renae invites everyone."

"I know but he keeps staring and smirking. It's starting to freak me out."

"Well just stay with me and you'll be fine," I mused gulping the reminiscence of my now empty cup. "It's not like he can take anything from you this time, he did that last time." I winked towards her but she playfully slapped my arm un-amused by my response.

"You act like it's not a big deal. It was to me," she pouted looking genuinely upset.

"I know," I sighed. "And I wish I treated my innocence as a big deal but we all make mistakes. At least you waited until you were nineteen. I was stupid and naïve. Just be thankful you're not me."

"Maybe if you weren't such a rebellious person you'd think about your actions..."

"But where's the fun in that?" I chuckled before dragging her over to the kitchen; I was in desperate need of another drink or two for that matter.

"It just doesn't feel right" she replied continuing the conversation as we entered the deserted kitchen.

"Hey, at least you guys were in a relationship, it wasn't just an experiment."

"Your first time was an experiment?" She queried crinkling her nose up at the thought.

I chuckled at her cute, innocent face. "Of course not, I was just merely stating an example. The only experiments I did when I was sixteen were in biology."

"Yeah when you bothered turning up."

"Hey! I passed school, I obviously didn't miss much. Now will you stop sulking about your ex-boyfriend and innocence stealer and try this for me." I handed her the cup I had filled ever so slightly with a concoction of didn't drinks from bottles on the table. After reading over the label of another my concentration was put aside by Sidney's coughing and spluttering.

She's Not Afraid. (Niall Horan)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant