Chapter 21.

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Niall's POV

If looks could kill, Harry would be beyond dead by now. My fists were balled up at my sides, I was doing my very best not to jump out of my seat and mess up his face. As much as I wanted to, I knew I'd regret it eventually. My breathing was ragged as the car engine continued to hum while Louis drove us around the city. I couldn't help but tap my feet impatiently, why was it taking so long to get anywhere today?

I let out a long, tired yawn as we neared the location. I told the boys if they wanted to come all the way down to London with me they'd have to be up early, early as in five in the morning. To my surprise and slight displeasure they were all up at exactly five minutes to five this morning, waiting for me. The drive all the way to London took almost six hours despite Louis constantly breaking the speed limit, however having to slow down every time we approached a speed camera set us back. I had barely slept last night; in fact I don't think I slept at all. My stomach was full of anxious butterflies flying around. I felt physically sick yet I couldn't bring myself to actually throw up. I had lost my appetite completely and I knew it wasn't good for me, not eating and being on tour but the thought of food made my stomach tie in knots.

We'd been in London for almost two hours now and we hadn't come across Marina yet, my palms were beginning to sweat from nerves. I knew something wasn't right. Before I could second-guess anything else we pulled up to our destination. I literally climbed over everyone before running up to the door and pressing the buzzer repeatedly, I didn't care if it annoyed them; the only thing I cared about right now was finding her. I heard the other boys piling out the car after me, their footsteps speedily behind mine up to the door. 

"Is this some sort of joke?" The voice from the end of the telecom spat in a distasteful manner.

"Let us in!" I replied, my voice full of panic and anger.

"Niall?" The voice spoke again with confusion.

"Let us in." I repeated, heavily breathing. The sound of the door being unlocked sounded and I quickly lurched towards the handle before a hand on my shoulder stopped me.

"Mate, calm down." I shrugged Harry's hand off my shoulder before storming into the building.

The tension between us all in the lift as we rode to the top floor was unbearable and I knew I was the cause. I didn't want to be angry at them, I wasn't even angry at Zayn or Liam but the other two, I could barely even look at them right now. I heard them all muttering behind my back, not even above a whisper as I continued to glare at the doors before the slowly pulled open. I took off down the corridor not bothering to wait for them as I banged on the door to the apartment. It swung open almost immediately and I didn't waste any time before walking right in.


"Is she here?" I questioned sternly as I searched the flat, high to low and not finding a single piece of evidence that she was here. My eyes found their way to the girls stood in the room, confusion spread across their faces.

"Who?" Renae asked dumbfoundedly.


"Why on earth would she be here?" She literally sneered back.

"Fuck!" I shouted to myself, my hands began gripping the skin on my face, running up and down before my fingers lost themselves in my hair, tugging harshly at it. "Where the bloody hell is she?" I sighed before collapsing onto the nearest sofa. The other boys joined me, their anxious stares settling on my contorted face.

"What's going on?" Sidney asked, concern filling her voice. She was the girl I least expected to say anything, although she was Marina's best friend.

She's Not Afraid. (Niall Horan)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora