Chapter 13.

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Marina's POV

I flipped the invitation in my hand over again for the tenth time in the past five minutes – I wanted to make sure I was dressed appropriately, I didn't intend on showing up all classy when it turned out to be a casual event or something obscure. Fortunately, I was dressed accordingly. When Zayn offered to take me dress shopping yesterday I honestly thought we'd end up in some commercial shop, trying on one dress and calling it a day. But Zayn was more surprising that I had obviously assumed. We passed New Look, Next, H&M, Primark, TopShop and even Debenhams, which were the shops I presumed we'd be heading to. To say I was surprised when we ended up in some high fashion dress shop would be an understatement. I'm not exactly a 'girly girl' when it comes to shopping, I'm more of an, in and out shopper. I find what I want in the store and then I'm out like a shot. However Zayn had other ideas, he made me try on at least fifteen dresses, I didn't realise getting changed could be so tiring but after finding a dress that looked nice and my budget could stretch to I almost died of exhaustion. 

I screwed my nose up in the mirror as I fiddled with a stay hair flicking out from my braid, which was testing my patience. I pulled my hair back into a tight, Dutch braid from the top of my head all the way down. I quiffed my fringe a little and then destroyed the Ozone layer by using half a can of hairspray to hold it all in place, but there's always that one piece of hair that wants to be different. I flung my bathroom drawers open, hoping there was a stray hairgrip hidden in a dusty corner or something. I almost gave up when I knocked an empty bottle of shower gel out the way and found a cluster of the little buggers. Typical, I thought, rolling my eyes. Whenever I need them, they disappear into thin air and here they all are hiding under an empty bottle. It was probably just bad karma for not keeping my apartment spotless.

I twisted up the light pink lipstick in my hand and applied a generous coat to my lips followed by a matching lip-gloss. I wasn't fond of the whole duck face frenzy but pulling funny faces in the mirror is hard to resist. I brushed over my face once more with my powder brush, wiping away the small remnants of the black eye shadow that had fallen ever so slightly down my face. I shoved all my make-up remains back into a drawer carelessly because who has time to organise their make-up? Well probably a lot of people, I however was not one of those so trying to find anything in that drawer was a bit like a lucky dip.

I smoothed out my dress once more before leaving the bathroom as elegantly as I could in my heels, which were already rubbing my heels and I'd only been wearing them a mere ten minutes. I could tell tonight was going to be fun.

I shoved my essentials into my black purse and waltzed out of my flat upon receiving a text message signalling my ride was here. One thing I didn't mind about these type of events was Renae always arranged my transport – I wasn't exactly suited to take the tube in this attire.

It was just my luck that the elevator was out of order, again. I wouldn't be so bothered if it weren't for the fact if my feet could talk they would be screaming like a teething baby. I sunk my teeth into my bottom lip and slowly descended the stairs. Half way down I encountered James, I flipped him the middle finger when he made it so obvious he was eyeing my body, his eyes barely flicked to my face – they were lingered else where. I didn't respond to his unwanted invitation to a night of 'luxury' in his flat and walked a lot faster down the concrete steps. I was relieved to reach the bottom and cascaded through the lobby and out into the London streets. For once it wasn't cold, breezy or raining. I quickly walked up to the waiting taxi and hopped in the back before even asking if it was my ride, but there wasn't another car in sight so unless they guy near the door was giving me a piggy back ride all the way, I was sure this was my car.

By the time I reached the venue the clock was already chiming eight in the evening, somehow I ended up being half an hour late without even realising. I smiled at the driver and exited the taxi, which had a distinct smell of Chanel cologne, I wondered who had been a passenger before me. I picked up the back of my dress as I climbed the marble steps outside the elegant hotel where the event was being held. I had no idea what event was taking place but these things always had expensive champagne, exquisite food and surprisingly very interesting people. Of course I wasn't just there for the free luxuries but it was definitely a plus.

She's Not Afraid. (Niall Horan)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें