Chapter 14.

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Marina's POV

I stared down at the empty shot glasses scattered across the sticky, wooden pub table. There was an odd pint glass throw in there and the occasional empty bottle. We weren't exactly drunk, more like absolutely delusional and barely conscious. The thought of any more alcohol in my system made my stomach churn and my gut wrench, but those thoughts soon subsided when Niall placed the fresh trail of tequila shots in front of us. I groaned at the sight of the shots and the accompanying lime slices and saltshakers. Niall insisted he couldn't be out drunk, to be fair I was giving him a run for his money – Zayn was long gone – but you know what they say about the Irish, they can hold their liquor like no others.

"Giving up?" He grinned smugly, swallowing the first one of his shots from the fresh tray with ease. I shook my head too enthusiastically for my state, I swear I could feel my brain rattling around inside my skull.

"Until I'm passed out in the back of an ambulance, not a chance." I grinned towards him before licking the salt of the back of my hand and pouring the burning liquor down my throat.

"You two are making me feel even worse, how are you not throwing up your livers yet?" Zayn moaned next to, resting his head on his forearms across the table.

"It won't be long until Maz is regurgitating her food, don't worry."

"We can't all have iron stomachs," I chuckled before chugging down a bottle of water that was lying around on the table. "You want some?" I gestured towards Zayn who happily took it out of my hand and carefully sipped on it, making sure he didn't disturb his insides anymore.

"You know we actually never spoke about anything other than how much we could each drink tonight," Zayn announced, looking up from his resting position.

"Your point?" I slurred in a very un-lady like manner. The alcohol was really affecting my brain now, more than it should do.

"How did you become friends with Renae, she seems like a total bitch and you're totally...not." He slurred back himself causing me to let out a low laugh.

"We went to the same Secondary school."

"But still, she doesn't seem like someone you would befriend." He admitted, sitting up right in his seat. Niall was sat listening contently as he sipped on his pint of fresh beer, the thought of him drinking that right now was enough to make me feel sick to the point of passing out on the spot.

"Eh," I sighed, leaning back debating how to word my answer. It wasn't exactly easy when I could barely string together a simple sentence. "She was the schools queen bee one could say," I spoke, hiccupping between each word. "I was the rebel." I winked at Niall who shook his head.

"I don't doubt you were," he chuckled before winking back.

"We weren't exactly the friendliest of people but somehow we bonded over that factor and somehow we formed a weird friendship and practically ruled the school corridors."

"I can just imagine you two walking down the halls, glaring at year sevens, scaring them out of their wits."

"We weren't that scary Zayn."

"If you're anything like you guys are today, I bet you were fucking terrifying."

"You have such a way with words," I smirked at him, as he groaned again, the alcohol clearly affecting his stomach and head.

"Now we've established you were the ruler of your school, what's going on between you and 'er brother?" Niall mused, leaning forward across the table. He was too sober for my liking, he could still talk without slurring his words. I didn't even think about beating around the bush, there wasn't a lot of point hiding anything.

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