Chapter 35.

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"You have morning breath," I mumbled against Niall's lips as they continued to feather against mine. I had barely even registered being awake when I felt him right near me. I didn't have a chance to open my eyes before he began dusting my skin with kisses, finally finding my lips with his.

"So do you, but you don't see me complaining." He laughed ever so lightly as his presence pulled away from mine. I frowned as I opened my eyes, the glint of humour twinkling in his eye looked back at me.

"You kissed me!"

"Ah, but you kissed back!" He winked.

"Why are you awake so early anyway?" I asked, changing the subject and yawning too.

"It's the afternoon, we slept the whole morning."

"Oh." I replied, half smiling. We spent the whole night and the majority of the morning hours watching films and we even did a very good re-enactment of Grease. We could have been the next Broadway stars if I could actually manage to sing a single note in tune. "What day is it?"

"Thursday, why?"

"Nothing, I just have to get up and showered. What time is it again?" I rambled on, quickly climbing out of bed and running into the bathroom before Niall had a chance to get in there himself.

"It's half one, are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, yeah fine. I have to go out this afternoon. Do you have any plans?"

"I do yeah, I have this meeting thing."

"You're still coming with me tonight right?"

"Of course, what time was it again?"

"Seven 'o' clock sharp."

"Okay, I'll be there. Where are you going today?"

"I'll tell you later, right now I really need to shower." I abruptly spoke to avoid him asking any more questions as to where I was going.

"Right, anyway. I'm gonna leave in about five minutes. I'll take a shower later, I'm already late as it is." He laughed as if he didn't care. 

It probably didn't matter much anyway, if this meeting involved the other boys than he'd still be there at least an hour before Zayn. It amazes me how he can never be on time for anything. Niall told me once they used to tell Zayn what time to get there, however they would tell him to be at places several hours early so he would actually on time. Apparently that lasted a week when he figured out what they had premeditated. 

"Okay, have a good day." I replied, allowing myself to smile softly at him before he jogged across the room, locked his lips with mine and then disappeared just as fast.

I climbed in the shower and hit my head against the tiled wall, not hard enough to knock me out but hard enough to hurt slightly. I winced at the vague throbbing in my forehead as the water hit my naked body. I was annoyed I had slept the day away, I knew what I really wanted to be doing today, but I had to do something else first. Something I wasn't looking forward to one bit. 

I hadn't prepared much at all for visiting the prison. I hadn't prepared any sort of speech, I was going to wing it, go with the flow, what ever my brain tells me to do. Even if I did prepare I'd end up forgetting it all. I was nervous to say the least. I didn't want to go, but I felt like I needed to. This had to be done, and not for my sake. 

I would have asked Niall to accompany me but I didn't want him to meet my father. I used to be told I looked like him when I was little, I don't want Niall to ever see that connection, I don't want to be connected to him in anyway whatsoever. I detested that man through and through. He may be one of the only blood relatives I have, but that didn't change anything, it especially didn't change what he did. 

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