Chapter 20.

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Marina's POV

"Okay, no don't whisk it." I was currently sat under the desk in my aunt's office since she was out doing something work related. I didn't know when she would be back but I was willing to risk it for one phone call. It wasn't the first time I had done this, in fact it was a regular thing, happening at least twice a week. Underneath the desk was beginning to be my comfort zone because it was the only place I could hear his voice, it wasn't the same as in person but it was better that nothing. 

It had been four dreadful weeks of this routine. I hadn't found a new job, everywhere kept rejecting my applications – apparently having previously been fired on your resume didn't look appealing to anyone. I even got rejected from several fast food joints, which was slightly disheartening; I was led to believe they hired anyone.

How did I manage to convince Niall everything was sunshine and rainbows? I don't think I necessarily did but I didn't exactly fail either. My explanation for ringing from a random landline twice a week was that I had to borrow the neighbours phone when they allowed me, hence why he couldn't ring back when he wanted to talk again. I told him the wire had accidentally been cut from my landline at my old apartment and they hadn't been able to repair it yet. As for a mobile, I told him I was saving for the new model of iPhone when it came out, despite that being several months away but he stopped questioning that now much to my relief.

"Well, when do I whisk it?" Niall asked down the phone line snapping me out of my short trance. I was currently explaining to him how to make an omelette over the phone, which I may say, isn't easy.

"I told you, you don't whisk it. Have you added the milk?"

"Milk? I didn't know I needed milk."

"You don't have to add it, it just makes the omelette bigger and it tastes better in my opinion."

"Well if it makes it bigger then I better add some."

"That doesn't surprise me," I chuckled, biting on the end of my nails slightly as I heard him rustle around in his make-do kitchen in the tour bus.

"Marina are you trying to kill us all without even being here?" A different voice filled the line and sent confusion through my veins.


"You're trying to teach Niall to cook over the phone, it's a shame you can't actually see what he's doing."

"Liam bugger off, I'm doing just fine." Niall's voice sprung back over the speaker, he sounded annoyed that Liam had ruined his intense omelette making concentration.

"Niall am I on speaker?"

"As skilled as I am, I can't make an omelette and hold the phone at the same time." He jested back. Before I could reply with some witty remark another voice joined the conservation.


"Zaaaaaayn." I sung back letting out a small laugh along with him as we mocked each other. "Are you guys just watching Niall trying to cook?"

"Trying and failing." Liam replied amusingly. I shook my head, I could picture Niall become stressed at his jokes, probably becoming offending by them too.

Liam wasn't as good as friend to me like Zayn and Niall, however he wasn't rude to me, which I appreciated. In fact we had a nice conversation last week when Niall decided he wanted the toilet halfway through the phone call. He wanted to take the phone with him but I told him I'd rather have an hour-long conversation with Harry than hear him in the bathroom, luckily Harry wasn't around but Liam was and kindly accepted the offer of a quick five-minute talk. We mainly spoke about what he had been up to but he caringly asked how I was, it felt nice to have a civil conversation, with no bitter words being shared.

She's Not Afraid. (Niall Horan)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant