Chapter 17.

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Marina's POV

2 Months Later


You'd think after losing your closest friends your life would become a lot tamer, less eventful and even quieter? Wrong. My life had been anything but that. Two months after I was kicked out of the 'famous friendship five group' my life had become a rollercoaster riding all the way to the top. Maybe that was a slight exaggeration but in all honesty, life had actually been great.

I hadn't seen, spoken to or even heard of how the girls were. They didn't care to check on me so I didn't feel the need to check on them. I'm assuming they were all doing fine and dandy. Without the lack of contact clearly I wasn't missed. I can't lie and say I didn't miss them though; because I did. We were best friends for years and now to have them missing did feel odd. I missed Belle's infectious laugh and rude innuendos, Remy's useless random facts, Sidney's unimpressed comments and dare I say I even missed Renae's short temper. It shouldn't have been missed but arguing with Renae was always fun before it led to being replaced.

I still lived in my little apartment and continued to hold down my job as professional penguin pooper-scooper. Miles and Alaska – Niall and I's penguin couple – we're doing great, in fact they just got through mating season so they'll be little ones running around soon. I think Niall was more excited than the penguins themselves. He insists he's going to be there when the egg hatches open and I don't doubt he will be, when he wants to be he can be determined as heck.

My life didn't get much more exciting than going to work, coming home and watching endless TV shows, not that I was complaining. Niall on the other hand was constantly trying to drag me out to parties, clubs, anything else that involved some sort of alcoholic beverage. I did go out, sometimes. I refused to go out if the other boys were going to be there. I hadn't spoken to Harry or Louis since the night they stormed into my apartment, we steered clear of each other. I hadn't spoken to Liam either, I don't know if he ever had a problem with me, he seemed more like the type to avoid conflict and I don't blame him, it was draining. Zayn was like a brother, a big one that is. If a guy so even looks at me at a club Zayn is straight in the middle, warning him away. Half the time I didn't mind, it was actually reassuring to know someone was looking out for me but when someone is just asking for directions it's slightly embarrassing.

Since that night neither Niall nor I had spoken of that heated make out session we had found ourselves indulged in. The first time seeing each other afterwards was awkward for about two minutes until we both mutually said 'fuck it' and hugged each other. Fair to say it hasn't happened again since but I can't deny I wouldn't let it happen again. Something about the way our lips moved against each other, the way his hands sent tingles through my body and my heart race was riveting, I couldn't describe the feeling.

Niall was constantly round my apartment; he even took it upon himself to get a key made. I swear he spent more time at my flat than his own. I still hadn't told him why I couldn't or didn't believe in love, as much as I trusted him I didn't feel ready because once I tell him he'll know everything about me, and I wasn't sure if I wanted him to. He told me everything, all about his home life, the x-factor journey, touring, ex girlfriends, celebrity gossip, you name it, he told me. I did feel guilty not opening up to him completely but he understood there was a reason behind it, never once had he tried to force it out of me. It kinda makes me proud to call him my best friend.

Our friendship got to the point where half the time he never bothered going home and ended up sleeping on my sofa, I still wasn't comfortable with sharing a bed with anyone. In fact he'd even claimed several of my dresser drawers and slung his spare clothes in whilst at the same time throwing out my stuff much to my displeasure. It had only been two months but we had bonded like two elements and I wasn't some sappy girl but our friendship made me beyond happy, he was like a ray of sunshine, except whenever Derby County lost and then he storm in and sulk in the living for about half an hour before he would talk to me. He couldn't ignore me long though, my incessant poking annoyed him more than the football, which often led to him biting my finger but at least he would speak again. It was weird to think some several months ago I was some party driven wild child and as soon as Niall stepped into my life I'd rather stay at home, order a take out and talk about random stuff completely sober. I was starting to think he'd tamed me in someway.

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