Chapter 5.

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Marina's POV

I was purposely ignoring the ringing phone rattling around at the bottom of my coat pocket. My legs were vigorously moving as I charged towards the tube station. If I missed the last train of the night I'd have to get a taxi home, not something I greatly enjoyed. Was it because most of the drivers were men? Yes. Do I trust the male specimen? I wouldn't trust a man with a handful of air. I agreed to do the last late shift at work on Christmas Eve. I don't have any children to go home to. I don't have a family waiting for me sat around the fire in the living room. I don't even have a proper Christmas tree just a flimsy artificial fake snow covered two foot tall attempt of a tree in my lounge, not even decorated. Christmas, for me was a time to drink socially or alone, I didn't care. It wasn't a time to celebrate or rejoice.

The laces on my boots were slowly slipping out of place threatening to throw me on the floor onto the damp pavement. The muscles in my legs were screaming in agony as I charged down the escalator, passed the ticket turnstiles and down towards the platform. I barely had chance to breathe until my feet were firmly planted on the floor of the carriage taking me towards my home. I saw the bemused look on a middle aged guys face as he peered over his newspapers. Sleek brown hair, quite short, dressed in a suit, wedding ring on his left hand. He didn't stand out except for the fact he spoke on the tube something which not many people actually do, especially with strangers. He looked like he was trying not to laugh of which I assumed was due to my envious running technique. I took a seat before pulling my phone out of my deep pocket. Two missed calls, both from Sidney. I can't say I was surprised.

            "The speed you flew down them stairs amused me, I honestly thought you were going to head butt the floor," The stranger spoke. I pulled my eyes away from my phone screen just enough to see him looking at him.

            "It's not the first time I've had to punish my lungs," I replied before grinning as he started to laugh.

            "Going anywhere special for the holidays?"

            "Home," I spoke, although I didn't consider where I lived home. I lived in a flat by myself, it was a house not a home as some may say. "You?" I asked out of courtesy.

            "Taking the kids to Lapland as a surprise," He beamed. I could tell he felt proud of himself, probably for making their Christmas extra special. I envied his children, not because they were going to Lapland for Christmas but because they had a reason to celebrate it. They had a family, most likely a real home and parents.

            "Have fun," I spoke trying to come off as cheerful as possible. I barely noticed how long I'd been on the train until it read out the stop before mine. I couldn't wait to get home, I was knackered physically and mentally. I'm not one to normally get something or should I say someone stuck in my mind. But a certain guitar playing, sweet talking, alcohol toasting boy was stuck deep in my thoughts.

            "We will. Anyway, Merry Christmas." I looked back to the man after my eyes had finished lingering on my hands in my lap. He was about to exit the train at the stop before mine. I didn't pay much attention to the time so when I caught a glimpse of it on my phone it was indeed Christmas, only just.

            "Merry Christmas to you too," I replied before he disappeared amongst the other travellers leaving the train. I looked around as we started moving again, the carriages all looked pretty empty but considering the day and time I wasn't at all stunned.

Coat off. Scarf untangled. Boots flung somewhere. Keys misplaced. Time to relax. The smell of penguin excrement was something I could never get used to. In the aquarium it's fine but as soon as I get home it hits me in the face, literally gag worthy. How I still have friends I find quite the mystery. I didn't debate on calling Sidney back, she'd call again anytime soon. She always did. I walked through my flat spreading the stench as I went into all the rooms. I reached the bathroom and flung all my dirty items into the laundry bin and drew myself a bath. I walked back through my flat completely naked but not like it mattered I lived alone. I dragged my dirty clothes bin with me and emptied the contents into the washing machine before dawdling back to the bathroom. The bubbles in the tub were foaming almost over the top. I quickly turned the taps off and edged myself in carefully without spilling any water. I didn't want the neighbours below to get an unwanted shower in the middle of the night. My phone was set on the stool next to the bath, it caught my attention as it beeped. I grabbed it with my soapy hands and read the message through a water covered screen.

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