Chapter 15.

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Marina's POV

"One cheeseburger for m'lady," Niall winked, handing over the grease filled burger and placing it into my waiting hands. "And two hotdogs with extra mustard for me." He stated, grinning like a child at Zoo at the food in his hands. I couldn't help but let out a howling laugh at his priceless faceless. He glanced over but the food in his hands took away his concentration. I shook my head at the odd boy sat next to me.

He was the spark in my life I needed. Not in the romantic way, just in a way that he made my life more exciting, more fulfilling, more liveable I guess.

As much as Niall wanted this to be a 'surprise', when he showed up on my doorstep decked out in a football shirt, beanie and sweatpants it didn't take a genius to figure out where we were going. I wasn't an avid football fan, in fact he had to teach me the basics on the way over and I still couldn't grasp the off side rule sat here now. Oddly I didn't care, I was just enjoying time being carefree clowns with each other.

"He really needs to hire an acting coach," I spoke with my mouth half filled with my burger. Wasn't I just a catch?

"What?" Niall questioned, his own food falling from the corner of his lips. I subconsciously wiped away some mustard from his mouth without thinking. We both paused at my actions but before I could take his awkward stare any longer I wiped my thumb across his nose leaving a lovely trail of the mustard sauce. "Thanks Maz." He mumbled, wiping it off and rolling his eyes playfully at me before turning back to the game.

"His acting just needs work," I replied, continuing from my previous statement. "If he's gonna roll around on the floor and pretend he's hurt, he has to at least make it look believable."

"Oh and you're a great actress are you?" He smirked with his bushy eyebrows arched upwards.

"Of course, would you like a demonstration?" I smirked back at him wiggling my eyebrows for more emphasis.

"Now as entertaining as that sounds, I'd quite like to watch the game. It's what we came for."

"And I thought it was because you wanted to hang out with me."

"Oh no, you're just my cup holder when I need the toilet."

I playfully elbowed his ribs causing him to grunt from his sudden discomfort. "Feeling the love Niall."

Towards the end of the match I found myself leaning on the edge of my seats as the seconds ticked away, far too fast for my liking. I wasn't aware I was routing for a team until I ended up cheering and shouting for the same one as Niall whenever they scored. Throughout the game we had eaten endless amounts of greasy, fatty, fast foods, drank far too much soda and started way too many Mexican waves. This was definitely the weirdest hang over cure I had ever experienced.

After the game finished Niall politely stayed to talk to fans and take pictures once the game had finished. I sat watching merrily from the stands, he looked so happy as he conversed with all the girls – and the odd guy, in conversations about the match and the band. I grinned even wider when his eyes flickered over towards me, he looked as if he sending an apologetic look but I simply shrugged, flashed him a toothy grin and gave him the double thumbs up. I wasn't going to pull him away from his fans just to talk to me, we have plenty of time for talking considering we're friends. This would probably the only opportunity these fans would have to meet one of their idols.

Being famous clearly had its perks. Once Niall was free from his fans he pulled me by the hand onto the pitch, which is where we remained up until this point. Apparently he had persuaded the manager to let us stay in the grounds for a while, whilst the crowds dispersed. We were currently laying on the neatly cut, perfect green grass in the centre of the pitch staring aimlessly up towards the sky which for once was clear blue – a rare sight in England.

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