Chapter 22.

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Marina's POV

Back and forth. Back and forth. Back and forth. I was barely moving but enough to send the swing into a rocking motion. The storms clouds were brewing above our heads, a thunderstorm was inevitable – rain had already began to drizzle down, coating us in small droplets of wetness. The creaking of the old swing set was the only thing making a noise, other than my shoes occasionally scraping against the floor. I just wanted to go home right now, I didn't want to be here. By home I meant my old flat with my worn out sofa but was comfortable and was shaped to my body. I wanted to eat unhealthy fast food and watch brain numbing reality TV shows. I wanted my old life back.

I was getting tired of the never-ending silence, he wanted to talk yet he hadn't said a single thing yet. I hugged my arms tighter around my torso before kicking myself up of the swing. I didn't want to argue so I began to leave without saying a single word.

"Please don't go," his voice called out quietly from behind him, almost as if he was begging. I didn't turn around, I didn't want him to see my awful, tear stained face anymore.

"It's cold, I'm tired and you're not talking." I replied with no enthusiasm left in my voice, my throat still felt raw from shouting back in the house. I started to walk away again but I was halted in position by sudden human contact. I looked down at the ground; his feet were directly in front of mine, his forehead resting down on mine.

"Please, I just..."

"Harry, if you have something to say, just say it. I don't have the energy to listen to you bitch at me forever, please just get it over and done with." I sighed, my eyes closing as the rain began to pick up pace, falling harder and more frequent around us.

"You think I'm going to bitch at you right now?"

"Why wouldn't you?" I asked, turning my face to look up at him. I never really noticed how much taller he was than me, I stood a good five foot six but he was six foot and beyond, he was taller than Niall to say the least. He took a deep breath, his eyes locked with mine. I knew he had green eyes, I'd been told and it was just a known fact but I never really realised how green there were. Of course all green eyes are green, but Harry's had such a strong, deep, vivid colour it was almost mesmerising. If I didn't detest him quite so much I'd say they were beautiful, not as beautiful as Niall's crystal clear blue ones but pretty close.

"I'm not here to bitch at you, in fact the opposite."

"Really?" I scoffed.

"I'm going to ignore that comment because of what I just witnessed."

"I don't want your sympathy." I spat as I pushed his body away from mine but he locked his hands around my wrists, holding them against his chest. I tried to wriggle out of his grasp but was strong.

"Will you stop making me feel guiltier than I already am?" He asked but I could sense it was more of a rhetorical question. I shrugged my lifeless shoulders at him, I was emotionally drained so when he wrapped his arms around my body I just stood there without even making an attempt to hug back. I wanted to make a snarky comment about how he should let go but he spoke first. "Just listen to what I have to say and save any sarcastic comments for the end, okay?" I nodded against his chest. The rain was getting heavier, we were getting soaked more and more with every passing second but I knew Harry wasn't going to let me go until he had done his little speech.

"Remember when we first met? In the club, you walked in late. And then acted like you didn't know who we were. From that moment on I knew you were a terrible liar." For some reason I let out a small chuckle at his statement – he caught me. "You said our song was all about sex which slightly offended Liam."

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