Chapter 4.

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Marina's POV

Of course the one time I actually want to use the lift it's out of order, or so they say, more than likely it was just someone playing a practical joke. I let out a huge sigh as I lugged all my belongings which I had with me up the stairs. Typical Renae had to live on the top floor, in a penthouse of a thirty story apartment building. It probably didn't help I also had a giant penguin sculpture under my left arm given kindly to me from the aquarium as an early Christmas present. Obviously I decorated it in a festive manner, can't go wrong with a tinsel necklace. I dragged my feet up and up the stairs, my military boots on my feet were beginning to look worn out which is slightly annoying, I'd only had these pair for a mere two months. I was still in my work uniform so the stench of penguin faeces was surrounding me, I don't think the people on the underground appreciated it but you get all sorts of smells down there, I can assure I wasn't the worst. I had to stop again to catch my breath, the penguin wasn't light and neither was my outfit for tonight. I took one last big breath before ascending up the final stairs. By the time I reached the top my heart was preparing to give up, this was probably my body's way of telling me to work out or get off my butt every once in a while. I attempted to catch my breath as I walked down the hallway towards the apartment I was destined for but the bloody penguin sculpture was like a bar of soap, refusing to stay place and falling out of my grasp at any given time.

"Bloody penguin, why couldn't I work with the sea snails or something small?" I harshly muttered to myself before knocking on the door. I heard a scurry of footsteps from behind the door, several voices and some abrupt words about a turkey from what I could distinguish. It sounded like Renae but I couldn't decipher why she would be shouting about a turkey, her dad owns a catering company, she never has to cook, I guess it's alright for some, having the privilege of never doing manual labour.

"Marina!" A voice hollered as soon as the door swung open revealing a very hectic scene inside.

"Zayn?" I questioned sceptically. "What are you doing here?" I asked him but was also referring to his band mates who appeared to be causing havoc in the kitchen from what I could see.

"You bought me a penguin!" He shouted, snatching it out of my hands and running back inside leaving me stood bewildered. I raised my eyebrows slightly before shaking off his odd behaviour and stumbling inside.


"Hey Ren." I replied, greeting her with a hug as she galloped over, dressed in an apron which was surprising to see. "Why are you wearing that?"

"There was a mess up with the food so I decided to have a go at cooking." She beamed before closing the door behind me.

"And how's that going?"

"Not so well. If Harry Styles ever tells you he can cook, don't believe it." She whispered but obviously not quite enough.

"I heard that!" He hollered back across the room before turning his attention back to the dead bird placed in front of him.

"And uh, why did you bring a three foot penguin sculpture with you. It's not Zayn's Christmas present is it?"

"No." I chuckled. "The aquarium gave it to me."

"Why'd you bring it here?" Belle asked appearing in the conversation.

"It's Christmasy, I thought it would add to the festive feeling." I grinned hopefully.

"It's a penguin." Ren replied sarcastically.

"With a tinsel necklace!" I defended proudly.

"Wow, I can feel the festivity dripping off of it." Belle spoke in a sarcastic tone matching Ren's.

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