Chapter 113 ~ Sarcastic Ending

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3rd Person's POV ~ 

"Next, next." She insists. "What happened next ?"

"Unfortunately, I can't be in two places at once, so my mom looses her cool and just slaps her across the face. She said 'keep your mouth shut' and dragged her and her daughter out of the room. Unlike you, I never saw dear 'aunt' again."

"Lucky." She grumbles.  

"What's 'lucky' ?" A giggle erupts from behind Lisa, startling her. She whips around, Jungkook mimicking her actions though much more calmly. 

"O-oh, hey." Lisa tries to smile. It was her aunt's daughter. "How did my mom even let you guys come in ?"

"It's amazing what words can do." She says uninterestedly, picking at her nails. 

"I swear, if you said anything to my mother-" Lisa had been about to raise her fist, Jungkook not bothering to stop her. But someone else had taken the liberty of pausing her anger. 

"Now, violence won't be necessary, I think." Her aunts cold voice hisses. 

"Let's find out." Lisa offers, changing course from her cousin to the old woman. She stares long and hard at the gray haired person before her before sighing in exasperation, dropping her hand by her side. "There's a good girl." The woman smiles, petting the top of Lisa's head. 

"I'm not an animal." She scowls, ripping the veiny hand off her skin. Jungkook's brows furrowed as he looked at her. 

How come she never got angry when he ruffled her hair ? 

"That's a surprise." The daughter murmured. 

"Shut up." Lisa snaps, subtly tugging Jungkook with her before her aunt had caught her arm. He'd side stepped her just in time, blocking the view of her hair sweeping out of the way to reveal a thin but visible scar on her back. "What ?"

"Let's talk. It's been a long time."

"I wonder why." She grumbled sourly. 

"Because you're stubborn." The woman momentarily let a dangerous glare break through her gaze before composing herself again. "Lisa, be good." She warns when the beautiful girl rolled her eyes. 

"I'll go and be good over there." She says, making to walk away. 

Again, her aunt grabbed her wrist, a glass of champagne gripped in her other claw like hand. Lisa sighed. She knew she wouldn't be able to walk away from them without creating a scene. "Fine. What do you want to talk about ?"

"How've you been doing ?" She asks, a stiff smile taking over her features.

"Fine." She answers shortly. "How 'bout you and your pet." 

"Pet ?" The woman's brows knot. "I don't have one."

"My bad, I meant your daughter."

Her aunt's nostrils flared dangerously wide before she realized the same thing Lisa had seconds ago: She couldn't lash out without being bunted from the party in a heartbeat. A deranged smile was forced to spread over her face. "We're both fine, thank you."

"If I recall correctly, your daughter doesn't react well to the dollar store kibble. Make sure you treat her after tonight." Lisa smirks. 

"I will." She said through gritted teeth and a clenched jaw; a dangerous combination. She blinked away her anger. "Maybe you can fetch me some. Now that your leg is out of that cast." 

At the mention of her previously injured leg, it was Lisa's turn to be irritated. The aunt, pretending not to have noticed, continued relentlessly. "I remember when you got in that car crash." She said, smiling as if it was a fond memory. "I hoped that would be enough to finish you, but it wasn't." Her smile soured at the thought. 

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