Chapter 101 ~ Tissues and Blood

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3rd Person's POV ~ 

Gasps arose all around, but the loudest one was Lisa's. Though the bottle didn't hit her, his aunt's knobby elbow did.

Right on the largest gash across her back.

"Ha !" Lisa gasps, a large intake of breath going through her unsuspecting lips at the pain of the barely healed flesh cracking. 

"Get out !" His mother screams. 

His aunt shares a crooked smile with everybody before heading out the door and slamming it closed. "I'm glad I divorced that witch." Jungkook heard his uncle say.  

After escorting his aunt out, Jungkook's mother had come back, gingerly touching Lisa's shoulder. "Are you okay ?"

"I'm fine." She manages, gritting her teeth hard to smile. 

He resisted the urge to retaliate, knowing it would only make her embarrassed and flustered. "But dear, that sounded like it hur-"

"Mom, no." Jungkook says, trying to telepathically tell her 'Not now'. 

"I'm fine." Lisa repeats, as if she needed another blow to her back to say something different. 

"If you say so." His mother says hesitantly. 

Lisa nods stiffly as though it hurt to move much, leaning unconsciously into Jungkook. "Thanks." She mumbles between the two of them. 

"Don't mention it." He mumbles back, waiting until the attention was taken off them. "You think you can walk upstairs ?"

"Yeah, but why would I need to walk u-" She began. 

He took her hand and helped her all the way up the winding staircase, ignoring all the times she'd repeatedly asked where he was taking her. Finally, he said, "My old room." 

"Why ?"

"Privacy ?" He shrugs. He didn't really know why he chose his room out of all places, but he followed a gut feeling and helped her up the final floor before opening the door to a big, navy blue smothered room. 

The gut feeling was right. 

There was a first aid kit perched right on his dresser, and he snatched it off, opening it up and carelessly tossing it onto his bed. He had a full length mirror, and it looked like it had recently been cleaned of all the compiling dust. 

She turned to her side, cursing when small spots of red were starting to seep into the white silk of the dress. He walks over, materials and tissues in hand. He pulls her between him and the mirror, unbuttoning the back of her dress and pushing it over her shoulders. He crouches down, one hand on her hip for stability and the other gently pressing a tissue to the wound to absorb the blood seeping out of it. 

By the time she'd stopped bleeding, he'd reached over to his bed for the kind of material you might see be used surgically, but he simply pastes a thin strip of cloth over the gash and cleans off the excess blood. 

"Anywhere else ?" He asks. 

"No." She's quick to lie. 

"I see it." He scoffs, a small amount of blood oozing out of the cut across her collarbone. 

This time, all that was needed was a tissue to wipe away the blood since no more seeped out of the cut. He stood firmly planted where he was, chucking the used materials into a trash bin several yards away. 

He reaches his arms out like he was going to hug her, but his arms don't go around her like usual. They touch her waist, winding around it gently rather than a firm grasp he'd need for a hug. His fingers simply touch the bottom most button of her dress and start to re-do the back of the dress. His fingers work through seamlessly, and when he's done he puts a hand on her shoulder. "I think we should go back home."

"But it's rude to leave earl-"

"They won't mind." He shrugs, taking a spare jacket out of his closet and trying to help her down the stairs before she accidentally shows her pain. "Well walking won't work." He mutters, tossing is jacket back in his room and picking her up in a heartbeat, one hand under her knees and the other below the gash on her back. 

She tried to protest, but her fingers were trembling when she tried to tap his chest. "I can walk." She mumbles.

"You can't even talk." He scoffs, lugging her down with ease for the remainder of the stairs. 

His mother sputters in horror at the sight of him carrying down a nearly passed out Lisa, but he simply spares the woman an apologetic glance as he kicks the door closed behind him, his socks left inside of the house with both their shoes on. 

He walks to the car, putting her down in her seat while her head lolls around, and going around to his side and plopping down in his seat. "What were you going to say before we got here ?" He asks. 

"Hm ?"

"You know." He says. "When we were driving up here and you were about to say something before my mom lugged is in there." He glowers at the mansion. 

"Oh." She grins. "I know a special place to say that." 

"Where ?" He asks. "Let's go right now." 

She looked astounded for a moment before a bright smile spreads across her face and she simply says, "It's a place only I know." 

"You drive." He offers, dropping his keys into her palm. 

She starts to drive for a couple minutes before smiling at the silence and saying, "Since we're both all dressed up, it'll feel like a date." 

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