Chapter 54 ~ Sweatshirts

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3rd Person's POV ~ 

"Did something happen ?" He asks slowly, shutting the door behind him. 

"What were you doing down there ?" Jin smirks. 

"What ?" He blurts stupidly. 

"We saw you, you know." Taehyung drawls amusedly. "We're not blind." 

Jimin shoots a sharp glance at Jin, rubbing the slight bruise on his forehead and the football on the carpet that had been thrown aside, "Well most of us aren't." 

Jin ignores the retort, winking at his dumbstruck friend who slowly walks toward them. "You two seem to be very close." He teases. 

"Oh, you have no idea." Jungkook winks, leaving the three boys more dumbstruck than they had left him a couple moments ago. He walks into his room, ignoring the shouts if indignation coming from the couch and brings out his duffel bag, heading into his closet. 

His slender fingers rifle through the hangers of jerseys and sweatshirts before finally finding basic necessities, a couple shirts, shorts, and boxers. He stuffs them into his bag, staring right through the cracks of two sweatshirts. 

He pushes the hangers aside, spotting a single burgundy sweatshirt hung neatly away from all the chaos in front of it. He starts to smile, bringing it out and taking it off the hanger, inspecting it. 

It was the jacket Lisa wore. 

Without an other thought, he flings the green sweatshirt he was wearing into his bag along with a grey one from his closet, slipping the red one on and zipping up his bag, tossing it on to the neatly made sheets of his bed. 

He walks out, hands in his pockets, casually sauntering back into the living room to 3 bickering boys. Jimin catches a glance of the sweatshirt, his eyes doused in confusion.

"Don't you hate that thing ?" He points at the red clothing. "I thought you said you wanted to burn it." 

"I can wear it if I want to." Jungkook shrugs, plopping down beside him. 

"Yeah, no, of course you can, but what's with the sudden change of mind ?"

"No reason. I just didn't want to lose this sweatshirt. It's my favorite." 

"May I stress the point that you wanted to burn it ? How is that your 'favorite' hoodie ?" Jin raises his eyebrow, looking nearly identical to the girl he was dating. 

"I like it now, okay ? I just don't want it to get dusty and stuff." He says. "Which is why I'm wearing it." 

"About a month ago, you wouldn't care if that thing got blowtorched." Taehyung points out. 

"So what if I changed my mind, I like the hoodie now. Is that so hard to believe ?" 

"Yes !" Jin insists. "Do you have any idea how much bad luck is in that ?"

"Oh, like you have any idea how much 'bad luck' it has." Jungkook rolls his eyes. "I know that we've run into several awkward situations while I was wearing this," He looks away from Jin's pointed glance, "But I've decided to give it a chance." 

"Christmas is long gone." Jin claims. "It doesn't really matter whether you think it's naughty or nice." 

"Still wearing it." Jungkook says stubbornly, getting the keys out of his pocket to make way for his other hand to grab his phone. "Hello ?" He asks. 

"Hey. Do you want to come over ?" Jisoo's voice rings through. 

"Sure. Jin's already wet his pants in excitement." He smirks pettily, dodging a box of kleenex that had whipped through the air and probably would've hit him. 

The call had ended, and Jungkook pockets his phone carelessly, still slightly in awe. "Sometimes I think you forget that I'm on the archery team." Jin laughs at his friend's clueless face. "Let's go." 

Jungkook nods, fishing the keys out once again and waiting until everybody else had exited the dorm before locking the door behind him. 

He turns around, beginning to hear his 3 bickering friends start yet another debate. This time, he inwardly groans, it was whether Lisa would be better off with BamBam or him. 

"Don't you have anything else to talk about ?" Jungkook scowls, stifling a smile when the first of three people were in his favor. 

"This is important." Jin shushes. 

Jungkook rolls his eyes, lagging behind the trio and spotting Lisa's window at the side of the dorms. He looks straight up at her, offering a smile and a tiny wave. She sees him grinning evilly back and rushing out of her room. 

They climb up the tall stairs, 3 of the 4 boys still arguing and the 4th happily tagging along. They finally get to the right dorm, knocking and being greeted immediately by a teasing Chaeyoung at the front door. 

Jungkook walks in, hands in the pockets of his jet black jeans with his windblown unruly hair looking oddly charming to Lisa as she stumbles out of her room. 

"Hey." He manages to say to her as quick greetings were being passed around to everybody in the room. 

"Hey." She grins exasperatedly. "I didn't know you were coming." 

"Yeah, I didn't know either." He laughs before reducing to a charming lopsided grin. "Jisoo invited me." 

Speaking of Jisoo, she was the only one in the room who had stopped merrily talking at the mention of her name, looking around for the source. She spots Jungkook and Lisa casually chatting away with one another, her gaze flitting between Jungkook's burgundy sweatshirt and Lisa's post-shower hair that was still slightly wet at the ends. 

Everything clicked. 

The wet hair that Lisa had on the day of the planned fire drill, the sweatshirt that Jungkook suddenly seemed to like, and the teasing jibes Lisa was saying inaudibly to him, making him blush. Jisoo's heart shaped lips part in disbelief, ignoring the bustling chatter around her. 


Opposites Repel - LiskookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora