Chapter 76 ~ A Day Off

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3rd Person's POV ~ 

(*A/N : Just to put it in context, they've been dating for over a year now.) 

All 8 of them were sitting in the living room together after what seemed like an eternity. They rarely ever got time to sit down and talk or laugh at each other due to school work, club work, busy weekends, and even busier week days. For the whole day so far (it was already 7 in the evening), none of them could describe the last couple hours as anything other than relaxing and relieving. 

"Truth or dare ?" Jimin suggests. 

"God no, that game always goes terribly wrong." Lisa laughs, sitting back in her reclined seat. She was dressed lazily with sweats and a very, very oversized hoodie on that reached past her knees. Her hair was in a messy bun, and strands of the silky black mess poked out from the mound on top of her small head. Her striking eyes had filled with tears of laughter for the majority of the evening thanks to the boy with unruly hair beside her who wouldn't stop doing an imitation of his aunt while wearing a fluffy pink bonnet. 

"You feel like watching a movie ?" Jungkook suggests. 

"Oh thank goodness. That's the first non-stupid thing you've said all day." Lisa says, laughter visiting her again in memory of the events that had occurred previously in the afternoon.

"Plenty more to go." He winks. 

"How about Harry Potter ?" Jennie suggests. "That never gets old."

"We can watch that any old time. Let's watch something new together. It'll be fun." Chaeyoung smiles. 

"I saw this show called 'Blacklist'." Lisa suggests. 

"Is it violent ?"

"Chef's kiss." Lisa nods, avoiding the question. 

"We're in trouble." Jisoo laughs. "Get the therapist ready." 

They scrolled through every single Netflix show, from baking programs to kiddy cartoons before finally settling on the show Lisa suggested. "See ? What did I tell you." She smiles smugly. "I have a great taste in shows." 

Taehyung looks up from his phone, his jaw dropping. "She's right. It's one of the only shows with a 5 star rating." 

"Well then lets watch it." Jungkook says, leaning across her to set his bottle of beer on the coffee table. The lights dimmed automatically, and the beginning of the show started to play as he whispers to her. 

"You don't drink ?" He asks upon noticing that everybody else had a beer in their hand or an empty bottle around them. She, however, had a carton of strawberry milk. 

"No." She whispers back. "It's too strong for me."

"So you've tried beer before ?"


"How much could you drink ?"He smiles curiously. 

He imagined her drunk, her cheeks and nose tinted a bright puckered pink and her big round eyes lazily fluttering open as she sprouted nonsense. He imagined her looking as pretty as ever, her silky hair floating around, her soft lips in a pout when she passed out, and her body thrown across a sofa in a very unladylike position. 

"About a fourth of a bottle."

"That's it ?" He stifles a laugh. He'd expected her to drink at least one.

"Everybody hyped alcohol up, so I thought it tasted great, but it's weird as fuck." She says. "Oh oh, this is my favorite part, watch." She begs, clutching his bulging bicep and jutting her chin at the screen in front of her.  

His head turns to the screen, and a gunshot had wiped clean through somebody's head. All 7 of them groaned and whined about the graphic violence, most of whom directed their jibes and chides at Lisa. "Oh my god, is this what you watch in your free time ?" Jin asks when a bomb had blew off. "It's a wonder you don't have heart issues." 

"Looks like they aren't fond of your entertainment." He laughs at her frowning face when they started to search for another show. "For the record, I liked it." 

"You did ?" She grins, examining his face as though she was trying to tell if he was lying or not. He wasn't. "Can we watch it on a date ?"

"I highly doubt I want to kiss you and hear gunshots in the background." He contemplates. "That doesn't seem very romantic to me."

"Luckily, you aren't that much of a romantic to begin with, Soft Boy." 

"Oh, I can be." He winks. "I actually have a little game to prove it."

"Oh yeah ? Let's play."

"Sure, it's called : 'How fast can I make a cute girl blush ?'." He blurts, staring right at her. 

"Cool. Let me try with Chaeyoung." She insists. 

He mentally and physically face palms, pulling her back to her seat. "It's you, Shortie. You're the cute girl." 

"I am ?" She looked utterly surprised. 

"Who else would it be ?" He asks. A teasing look dawned over her face, and he sighs in exasperation. "Don't say it. Don't say her name." 


"Please ?"


"And you ruined what otherwise would've been a perfect night." 

"Oh my bad, I guess you'll just have to spend the rest of the night with me so I can make it up to you." 

"Yeah, it's only fair." He grins.

"You think ?"

"Hell yeah. You and me, alone somewhere, a good family friendly show." 

"There's no such thing as a good family friendly show." 

"Lisa, I-"

"But graph violence and R rated movies," she starts to grin as his head thuds helplessly on her shoulder. "That's some quality entertainment." 

"Oh my god. Is there some kind of return policy on you ?"

"You've been with me for over a year." She laughs. "You can't take me back even if I let you." 

He smiles for a moment and then pauses, continuing again. "Finally. A day off together."

"Yeah. It's nice." She admits, grinning. 

"Nothing will interrup-"

And at that moment, his phone rang. 

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