Chapter 112 ~ Family Drama

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3rd Person's POV ~ 

Lisa and Jungkook trekked up the stairs to her parent's large house, her hand ready to open the door. "Act surprised." He whispers in her ear. 

"Will do." She grins. 

She twists open the knob, frowning at the darkness. "Why's it so dark ?" She mocks cluelessness. 

"Surprise !" A champagne bottle pops open, and several relatives had filled the halls. 

"Oh !" She smiles, hugging her mom who opened her arms for an embrace. "This is so unexpected." 

"Thanks." Jungkook whispers in her ear. 

"My birthday." She reminds him. "You're forgiven." 

"I'm a great person." He grins, nodding in agreement. 

After a while, the party had become a giant mingling session, people moving in crowds and bumping into familiar faces, deciding refilling their drink could wait. 

"Be careful," She whispers. Their bodies were pressed against each other in the crowd, her back covered with his body whenever her hair failed to do the job.

"Of what ?" He asks.

There was a strict woman with her stuck up daughter, scrounging around for people to berate. Her stormy grey eyes landed on Lisa who said, "That old bat's such a bitch. I still can't believe that piece of crap is my aunt."

"What happened between you two ?"

"Long term family feud." Lisa shrugs. "Her and her daughter against the rest of us."

"What got the whole hate train rolling ?"

"She's strictly religious. That should give you an idea."

"Ohh.." He groans, she looks at him and smiles, cocking an eyebrow to silently interrogate him. "Yeah, my mom's sister is like that. They don't get along at all, I know what you mean."

"Right ? Finally someone understands." She sighs. "Anyway, her husband divorced her a long time ago, he's a perfectly alright bloke, by the way. Incredibly nice, but unfortunately naive. Sooner or later, he got tired of doing things for her and just left."

"That's .....heavy." He sighed, strongly reminded of his own aunt and uncle. 

"Yeah, pretty much. She rounded on my parents for raising me with free thinking."

"What 'free thinking' ?" 

"They didn't tell me to be religious, and they didn't tell me to be atheist. They just let me find my own way."

"I'm confused, isn't that how a child should be raised ?"

"Yup. She thought my dad was raising me wrong -she's my dad's stepsister- and she went into a rave just crying and shrieking."

"Yeesh." He grimaces. "How old were you ?"

"I was probably 3 when she threw herself at our front door, screeching and shouting."

"Your front door ?" He blinked in surprise. "What did she want ?"

"Me." She shrugs. "I was young and forgetful, but BamBam was shocked at the time, and apparently it's a memory he could never forget. He told me she thought I needed to be erased from this world because I wasn't religious."

"And then ?"

She shrugs, not really sure why she was telling him this. She hadn't ever told anybody. "So she kept pounding and shrieking while her daughter was watching from her car, and eventually she left."

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