Chapter 12 ~ The Cold-Hearted Prince

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Taehyung's POV ~

(In photography class)

Shifting my camera lens from my partner to Jennie, I ignore the annoying girl in an attempt to capture a picture of the beautiful girl through the narrow lenses.

"You're supposed to take a picture of me! Not her! Look at me !" She screams at the top of her lungs. I quickly shift the lens back to her, noticing a pretty blush staining Jennie's face as everybody starts to understand what's going on.

"Stuff it," I snarl, "I'll take a picture of you, okay ?" I ask begrudgingly. I ask her to change poses a couple times, taking pictures at all the wrong, blurry moments. She grabs my forearm as I walk back to the classroom with the camera slung around my neck.

"What ?" I say, pulling my limb harshly out of her grasp.

"Show me the pictures," She insists, grabbing the camera.

"No need," I say, tugging the strap attached to the camera and snatching it out of her grasp. "You don't trust my talent ?" I ask coldly, my gaze penetrating through her audacity.

"Y-yes. Of course I-..... I don't know what I was thinking," She says as she walks in front of me. Quickly downloading the pictures to my computer, I call Jisoo over for her approval. The only girl besides Chae and Jen that I don't despise.

"Is this okay ?" I ask her, clicking through the pictures. She nods, smiling at the results.

"Yeah. Hand it in to the professor, wait for your comments with your partner an-."

"And then I can leave ?" I ask, cutting her off. She nods, not bothering to hide her smile. "Thanks," I nod, emailing the files to the professor. I tap my partner's shoulder, wiping my hands off on my pants as she follows behind me. I wait expectantly in front of the professor's podium as she looks through the pictures.

"Why are the pictures so blurry ?" She asks. "There's movement in every single one. Didn't you use a tripod ?" She asks me.

"I did. She kept moving too much." I said tilting my head in my partner's direction. "I told her to do one pose, but she kept switching," I lie, smiling inwardly at my partner's incredulous face. I shoot an acknowledging smile at the professor and walk out of the room, walking towards the cafeteria. As I walk through the hallways, I see Jennie fiddling with some papers. Smirking I pivot quickly to the art room and grab some blank sheets of paper, waiting for the right moment. As she walks past me, I wait until we're perfectly aligned, and bump into her, knocking both stacks of paper flying into the air. She growls at me, stepping on my foot as hard as she could, punching my shoulder. I crouch down, copying her as I collect my things. My hand brushes against hers, as I look into her eyes in hopes of finding a troubled expression. However, I feel her swat my hand away, unbothered as she pushes me over, scrambling the sheets of paper on the floor even more. I smile, stacking them all up and placing them back in the art room, following her.

Talking to Chae and Jimin by a cafeteria table, she tucks a bit of her hair behind her hair, revealing her cute small ears. I walk up to Jimin, ruffling his hair lightly.

" Let's go. I'm hungry," I say as we wait for the girls to walk in front of us before we follow. A sudden commotion arises from the center of the cafeteria, catching Jennie off guard. I peer behind me, curious. Enraged as Lisa's on the ground clutching her knee, I watch as Jin grabs Suho by the collar, breaking through his calm facade. I listen intently as Suho's voice catches my attention.

"What'd you expect me to do? He walks around like he owns the school yet he got beaten by a girl. Had to make it even, didn't I ?" He says, drawing his words out. I see Jennie's petite figure push past me, walking to the group, and helping Lisa up. Chae walks closely behind her, abandoning her lunch tray near Jimin. We take a quick glance at each other, deciding that we should go too.

Jennie scoffs at him in contempt, handing her Lisa her other crutch. He advances on her, daring her to make a noise. " What ?" She asks, daring him to complain.

" Nothing," He says, clenching his fist and smiling at it, "Just debating whether I should make this hurt or not." I step in front of her as his fist flies towards her face. I feel her grip the cloth by my waist in her fist, not letting me move. Catching his fist, I shove it away, causing him to stumble a bit.

" She did nothing wrong," I start, clenching my own hand, "Did she ?" I ask threateningly. He rolls his eyes and shakes his head rather lamely.

" Stop staring..." He says loudly, "Don't have anything better to do ?" He walks away from us, Yugyeom following meekly behind him. I look down at my waist where her hand isn't present anymore, not moving my head. Jen and Chae start to fuss over Lisa while Jisoo quietly pats her back, knowing that she doesn't like the attention.

" You okay ?" I ask her. She nods, no expression was evident on her face.

" Why don't you just sit with us ?" Jisoo asks, smiling. I nod, pulling 2 extra chairs to the table which previously seated 6.

Before I sit down, Jungkook stops me, offering his hand. I take it, remembering him and shooting a smile at him. " Your welcome," I say before he can get words out of his mouth. He shuts his jaw, smiling and letting go of my hand.

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