Chapter 100 ~ Champagne

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*A/N :

100th chapter !

If you're still reading at this point, what the fuck is wrong with you ?

Oh, and also, thank you ! 


3rd Person's POV ~ 

He bares his teeth right back at her. "No, I just didn't feel like going through a police interrogation."

"He's kidding," Lisa smiles. ("No, I'm not."). "Feel free to ask me anything."

"Anything ?" The aunt glowers at her. Lisa recoils a little, her voice a little more hesitant.

"Yes,um, absolutely anything."

He desperately wished she hadn't said that.

"Stop it, you're making her nervous !" The kind woman who'd shook Lisa's hand says in indignation. 

His aunt shot a dirty look at both the woman who'd interrupted and Lisa, glaring at her like she didn't belong on the planet. Jungkook took the chance to casually stand up and walk between them, blocking Lisa's view of the crabby lady. 

He was petty, so he added in a small smirk at his aunt. 

"Is there any clubs you do in school ?" Another man pipes up. 

"She doesn't work at any of the alcoholic ones." Jungkook bites back, laughter arising at his statement. He looks sharply at his mom, not in a I'm-mad-at-you kind of way, but rather in the where-the-fuck-did-you-make-friends-with-a-drunkard kind of way. 

"I meant to ask if she was on any teams, boy." The man growls at Jungkook. Finally, Jungkook recognized him to be his uncle. 

"Oh hey, it's you !" He grins. He meant to say something along the lines of 'I didn't recognize you with that beard', but he ended up saying, "So I see you've got a hairy face." 

Lisa accidentally laughed, but sobered up quickly,  preparing to answering the man's question. The man simply scowled, walking up and patting his favorite nephew's back appreciatively before turning his attention back to Lisa. "I'm on the track team, sir." She smiles. "No clubs, though." 

"Really ?" He starts to grin. "Jungkook is too. Is that how you met ?"

"Yes, sir." She smiles. "He wasn't very good the first time I saw him." 

"How bad ?"

"She said 'wasn't very good', how does that translate to 'Jungkook's crap at running' ?" 

"It just does." Lisa nods at him. 

"I like her." His uncle chuckles good-heartedly. 

"Oh, don't laugh to much." Jungkook smirks. "That caterpillar above your face'll fall off." 

"It's a mustache."

"By definition, yes. By appearance, no." He laughs, fiddling with his uncle's goatee. 

"I forgot how snarky you are." The man ruffles Jungkook's hair up, chuckling. 

"Want me to remind you ?"

Rather than yelling like Lisa thought he would, he simply laughed, his shoulders shaking along with the drink in his hand. "No thanks." He finally manages to say. "I've got more than enough memories to last me a lifetime." 

As he stalks off, Lisa punches his shoulder, earning another disapproving look from his aunt. "What did you say to that poor man in the past ?" She laughs. "Enough memories to last me a life time' ?" 

He nods. "What does that even mean ?" She chuckles, holding onto his shoulder for balance. 

"It means I was a very, very rude kid." 

Her hand slips off his shoulder, dropping to her side limply as she tries to regain her composure. "Lisa, where did you get this dress ?" A woman smiles behind her. Lisa whips around, her back touching Jungkook's chest. 

"Oh, my mom likes to send me a bunch of them. I never really had a use for them until now." 

"You don't like collecting clothes ?" She asks, slightly disappointed. 

"Sure she does, there's a whole mountain of socks in her closet." Jungkook says. 

Lisa blushes bright, turning around to punch his shoulder again while the woman walks away laughing and admiring her dress from afar. "I'm going to get another bottle of champagne." His aunt scowls, getting up from her seat and eyeing Lisa's scar on the small of her back. 

"Where'd you get that from ?" She barks at the unsuspecting girl. 

The room had gotten quiet, and his aunt reiterates her question. "I said 'where'd you get that from ?" She says again. 

Jungkook nearly punches her but Lisa taps his fist, feeling it loosen up at her touch. "An intruder did that to me." She says simply. 

"What ?"

"They cut a chandelier, and it fell on top of me." She says simply, enjoying watching the woman shrivel up and freak out at her description. "I've got more than a 150 stitches around my body." 

"Why didn't you tell me ?" Jung kook's mother gasps sympathetically. 

"I did." Jungkook says in confusion. 

"You didn't tell me she got more than a 150 !" 


"Any more questions ?" Lisa asks sweetly. 

"N-no." His aunt stumbles out of the room, the golden liquid in her glass sloshing out onto the wood floor.

"More than a 150 stitches ?" His mother was still in shock. 

"Did you think one would do the trick ?"

"I swear, mom," He continues, smiling, "This isn't like you and your knitting. You can't just use the least material possible and hope it'll work ou-"

His aunt had come back in, raising her elbow high in the air, a fresh champagne bottle in her hand. She held the neck of the bottle prepared to smash on Lisa. Jung kook's eyes widen as his hand goes to the back of Lisa's head, pulling it into his neck to escape the crash of the bottle that had smashed down against the hard wood flooring. 

Gasps arose all around, but the loudest one was Lisa's. Though the bottle didn't hit her, his aunt's knobby elbow did. 

Right on the largest gash across her back. 

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