Chapter 79 ~ Meeting Them

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3rd Person's POV ~ 

As they were loading their luggage, Jungkook walked by Lisa,  his hand lingering on her waist. "I told you they'd love you." 

A couple minutes later, they'd decided Jungkook's father would ride with Lisa and his mother with her son though Jungkook seemed doomed to an hour of talk about 'The Fiddler on the Roof. 

She stares after Jungkook as he winks and disappears in the safety of his car. She shakes her head, closing the door after herself after helping his father in and sticking the key in the ignition. She starts the engine, pulling out her phone. 

"Would you mind typing in your address ?" She opened Google Maps, and his father nods, slightly smiling as he entered it in. Lisa pulled out of the driveway, her brows furrowing when Jungkook rolled his window down with a smile. 

"Shortie !" He calls. "First one there's exempt from doing the dishes !" 

She smiles wickedly. "You're on." 

She pulled out onto the highway fairly quickly, already leading ahead of Jungkook before he managed to swerve safely into another lane and bypass her. "You're the competitive type." His dad says. It was more of a statement than a question. 

"Absolutely." She smiles. 

"I didn't really get a chance to talk to you much. Tell me about yourself." 

"I'm on the track team with him." She bites back a smile. "I'm competitive, and I do a fair bit of sports." 

"A sporty girl, huh ?" He laughs. "No wonder he likes you." 

"Does he have a thing for athletic people ?" She smiles. He nods. 

"You said you were competitive." He says after a while. 

"That I did." 

"Then lets see it. Let's see you drive faster to our house than him." 

A slow grin takes over Lisa's face as she disregards the directions on her phone and pulls into an exit. "You missed the road." He says. 

"There's a shortcut here. Instead of raveling around the skyscrapers, I can cut straight through." She says, a fierce gaze lighting her eyes. He looked more impressed than he let on, his eyes on the road in front. 

Sure enough, Lisa's car had pulled in front of Jungkook's again by the time they pulled onto the local neighborhood roads. She managed a sneaky look into the rearview mirror at his dumbfounded yet still competitive gaze. His father points to a large house atop a hill where no other buildings were around it. "Right there." 

"Thanks." She grins before drifting her car into a sharp turn by the foot of the hill and driving as fast as was safe up the winding driveway. 

Finally, her car pulled into the entrance of the house, and his father chuckled while getting out. "Not bad. Not bad at all." 

Lisa smiled in thanks and hopped out of the car, opening the trunk and getting the luggage out. Jungkook had pulled in next to her car and walked out, a dumbstruck smile etched across his chiseled features. 

"How did you do that ?"

"Trade secret." She winks before closing the trunk after the last of the suitcases were by the door. All four of them heaved bags into the house, closing the door after they were done. 

"Oh, please do stay for a while." His mom pleads. "I haven't had a chance to talk to you." 

"I'd love to." She smiles. "In fact, we brought some groceries before coming to get you. Could I make dinner for you guys ?" She sounded nervous, but was simply responded to with a shit load of 'thank you's and smiles. 

Jungkook hid a growing smile and walked by his mother and Lisa, casually ruffling her hair. "Try not to give me food poisoning." 

She blushed beet red, punching his shoulder before blushing even harder. "Maybe you two should make dinner together." His dad laughed. 

It was Jungkook's turn to blush. "The last time we did that, it didn't go exactly to plan." 

"Yeah, yeah." His mother scowls, pushing him in the kitchen. Lisa follows, teasingly smiling at him. 

"Do you think they have a bonnet here  ?"

"Shut up." 


"Let's get started." He claps his hand, walking over to the sink and washing his hands. She did the same before emptying out the items in the bag. 

"Do you have a cutting board ?"

He walks over to her, his chest pressing against her back as he opens a cabinet above her head and reaches for a sleek wooden board finished nicely with polish. She takes it, setting several vegetables on it and cutting methodically. 

"How are you so good at this ?"

"This is the only thing I'm decent at making." She laughs. "My mom taught me." 

"That must've taken forever." 

She ignores the jibe and continues to prep the meal while he simply stands and watches. "What great help I am." He boasts. "Blessing you with my presence and all that." 

She laughs, popping the chicken in the oven and shutting the door. The soft hum of the mechanism starts to churn, the smell of spices flitting about in the air. 

"Your presence is more of a sin." 

"Watch your mouth. I won't hesitate to wrap your tiny face in a bonnet." 

"Oh so you do have one here ?" She grins. 

"No." He says quickly. 

"Do you think your mom would like to see this ?" She teases, pulling out her phone and showing him a picture of himself as he huffs in a seat, a bedazzled pink bow touching up the bonnet he was wearing. 

He snatches the device out of her hand, putting it high in the air. "Oh no you don't." He laughs, taking it away and pocketing it. He brings out his own device, letting her look at a picture of herself thrown lazily across the couch with her hair in shambles and her shirt drifted up to her navel. 

"When did you take that ?" She blushes, reaching in his pocket and taking her phone out. "I take glamorous pictures of you." 

"No you don't !" 

"Yeah I do !"

"What about that picture of--

For the rest of the night, it was filled with smiles, laughs, and Jungkook's prayers that her food wouldn't accidentally kill him. 

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