Chapter 80 ~ Last Day

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*A/N :

This is kind of a time skip of about 1 month to the last day of school. They still have one more year of college to complete though, and this chapter takes place at the year end party where parents and students meet.

Thanks for supporting my book ! 

And there's a surprise in the footnote at the end :) 


3rd Person's POV ~ 

"Ready to go ?" He asks her. 

Jungkook was in Lisa's room with her, and he couldn't help but notice how opposite they were. Sure they were quite similar in a lot of things,  but his room and hers looked like parallel universes. 

His room was dark, mysterious, and cloaked in black and simpleness. There were barely any decorations, and the contrast of the white soft carpet made the overall look seem elegant. His walls were navy blue, and his desk was large yet simple, fitting into the corner of his room. Her room was entirely different. The walls were a bright butter yellow, and her bed looked gigantic as several plush toys harbored the top of it. There was a large yellow bunny perched right in the center, proving as a shelf for multiple other stuffed animals as they often crowded it's lap. 

"I'm just nervous." She murmurs, struggling to pop in the last of her two earrings. 

He walks over, his calloused hands floating out of his pockets and taking the jewelry from her, carefully poking it through the hole in her ear. He screws the stopper through the stud of the earring, pushing it all the way to the back of her ear. 

"Thanks." She mumbles. 

"Why're you so nervous ?"

"Not nervous." She corrects both herself and him. "More like anxious and restless. I haven't seen my parents in 2 years." 

"Are they scary ?"

"What ?" She blinks. "No. I have a tight relationship with them. You might have a hard time with my dad, though."

"Why ?"

"He'll be nice to you, no doubt about that. He can't be rude to anyone. It's just he looks really intimidating." She admits. "Not many people have the guts to talk to him." 

"I'm screwed." He mutters in defeat. 

"You'll be fine." She laughs. "Just be yourself." 

"Let's go." He gulps, developing a new fear as they walked out of the dorms and down the winding staircase. 

The venue of the party was right in their gigantic gym, but it could've passed for a ballroom by the way the school glimmered the shit out of it. There were several chandeliers hanging even though it was only just starting to get dark, and alcohol and snacks lined multiple tables all along. The bleachers were converted to a mini theater, a large screen playing a movie in front of them. 

"Lisa !" A happy call resounds in her ears. Both of them turn to see a middle aged woman who looked rather pretty with her short hair, floral dress and no make up at all charging at her. Lisa beamed, taking the woman in a hug and making room for a buff guy to join. 

She lets go of them, pulling a paralyzed Jungkook in front. "Mom, dad, this is Soft Bo- I mean Jungkook. This is Jungkook." She coughs. 

Her mom smiled prettily, putting her hand out between them, and he takes it, shaking it graciously. He gulped at the sight of her father. She told him earlier that he was scary, but somehow that seemed like an understatement. His muscles were easily the size of a basketball, and Jungkook felt as though if he breathed wrong, he'd have his neck wrung. 

"Hello." He manages. He was always good at masking fear as a kid. He put his hand in between them, and the man smiled jovially, gently taking his hand and shaking it. 

"Nice to meet you." 

"It's nice to meet you too." He smiles. Lisa remained on the sidelines, slightly disappointed he hadn't made a fool out of himself, but she smiles and wraps a casual hand around her mother's shoulder. 

"Come on. Let's go talk to Jennie. I've got a feeling you'll love her." She said, turning her back on Jungkook who signaled wildly in desperation. She simply winks and smiles, swerving around anyway. 

"There's something I haven't told you." Her mom smiles. 

"You're pregnant ?" She asks. "I swear, I was only joking when I said I wanted to collect siblings like pokèmon cards." 

"What, no !" The woman blushes. "Get your mind out of the gutter." 

"It's too stubborn to move." 

"What I was trying to say was that me and your dad felt sad that we didn't see you for a while, and you've been working so hard lately. I think you need a break." 

"Where are you going with this ?"

"Lisa, we rented out a place for a week. It's a nice lodge, and it's got enough space for you and your friends. What do you say ?"

"Mom, you didn't have t-"

"You're my daughter. Let me spoil you." 

"When are we supposed to go ?"

"Tomorrow afternoon." 

"And you tell me now ?" Lisa grins. "I see where I got that part of me from." 

"You'll have to forgive me this time." She smiles back, the crinkle by her eyes rather defined in that moment. "After all, I did this for you." 

"Thank you." She smiles. "How've you been ?"

"Great. But I think we should go check on that boyfriend of yours. He doesn't look like he's about to pass out anymore." 

Sure enough, Lisa turned around and saw him talking animatedly with her dad, no amount of fear tracing his features. She walks over quizzically, tapping his shoulder. "Oh, hey." He smiles. 

"Didn't chop off his head yet ?" Lisa smiles at her father. "You like him ?"

"He's got a good sense of humor." Her father nods. "I approve." Without another word, he stalks off with her mother, leaving the two alone. 

"Oh my god, I need to sit down." He mutters, swaying slightly as he finds a seat. She plops down next to him, laughing. "I thought I was going to die." 

"Did he tell you ?"

"About what ?" He grins. "The lodge." 

"Yeah." She bites her lip. "Please come with me." 

"Sure." He smiles, trying not to kiss her right then and there. 



The surprise :

I'm confirming a sequel to this book ! 

It'll be around the same length as this book, in other words, definitely more than 30 chapters. 

Unfortunately, I can't leak anymore, but I hope you guys are happy with this surprise ;) 

And thank you so much for supporting this book ! 

I know that it isn't the best, but I'm trying to improve, and you guys are very VERY encouraging. 

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