Chapter 77 ~ A Phone Call

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3rd Person's POV ~ 

"Oh my god. Is there some kind of return policy on you ?"

"You've been with me for over a year." She laughs. "You can't take me back even if I let you."

He smiles for a moment and then pauses, continuing again. "Finally. A day off together."

"Yeah. It's nice." She admits, grinning.

"Nothing will interrup-"

And at that moment, his phone rang. 

She resisted the urge to laugh at his cute, irritated face. He reaches over her body, smiling when she kissed his cheek, and grabbed the phone off the coffee table next his empty beer bottle. He grimaces at her apologetically, making sure nobody was looking before kissing her forehead and lifting himself off the couch. 

He heads into his room, mouthing a quick 'I'm sorry' to her before shutting the door. "Hello ?" He answers the call, not bothering to look at the caller ID. 

"Jungkook !" His mom squeals from the other end of the phone. He pulls the device away from his ear warily before laughing and talking with his mom again. It had been a long time since he'd seen her, but then again he only got to seem them once a year since he was 15, so that didn't have much of an effect on him. He guessed that's why Lisa was so easy to talk to. She grew up the same way as he did. 

"Hey, mom. Anything wrong ?" 

"No, no, of course not. On the contrary, we have a surprise for you !" 

"Thanks mom, but you didn't have to buy anything-"

"No, stupid," She scoffs in a way that made him think of a girl in the opposite room. "We came to Korea !" 

"You...You did ?" He starts to smile, a full blown beam taking over his features. It made him happier than he let on. "Where are you ?"

"Ah, speaking of that, your father just told me he didn't inform you we were coming-" 

"I said I forgot !" Jungkook heard his dad's voice in the background. 

"-I'm sorry about that, but could you come pick us up ?"

"Yeah, of course." He laughs in giddiness, snatching his car keys off his desk. "Anything else ?"

"Bring that girlfriend of yours." 

"Why ?"

"Your father's a doctor. He can see if she's got any brain damage." 

"Seriously ?" He smiles, though he couldn't blame his mother. "Yeah, I'll bring her."

"I'm just joking, you don't have to bring her if she doesn't want to come." 

"You know what ?" He grins. "I'll just let you talk to her." 

"Oh, that would be ama-" 

He didn't hear the rest of her squealing as she pulled the phone away from his ears just in time, pushing open the door to his room. He walks to Lisa's spot on the couch, and she smiles in relief at him. 

"Thank god. They're trying to force me to watch some baking crap."

He offers her his hand, and her eyebrows furrow, but she takes it anyway, letting him lead her into his room and shut the door, handing her his phone. 

"Hello ?" She asks uncertainly, putting it on speaker. 

"Hello !" His mother chirpy voice rings from the other side. "I'm Jungkook's mother."

Lisa's jaw drops, and she starts to stutter, her sweater paws barely holding up his phone. He smiles and leans closer, lightly kissing her cheek. "She's not going to kill you, you know ?" He whispers. "Relax." 

She nods, responding as best she could. "Oh, hello !" She smiles, trying to sound as chirpy as his mother had. "It's a pleasure meeting you. Well, talking to you." She corrects, shooting a panicked glance at him. 

He struggled not to laugh at her. 

"You sound lovely !"

"Oh, I'm sure you're much kinder than me. I'm actually a bit of a brute--I didn't mean to say that, I'm so sorry." She starts to ramble, leaning against Jungkook's shoulder in defeat. 

"Relax, dear, I just wanted to ask if you were okay to meet me tonight ?" She asks. "I understand you've been dating my son for more than a year, but it's a pity I haven't gotten to see you yet." 

"I'd love to." Lisa smiles. "Sorry if I came across as hyper, I just get really nervous." 

"Not hyper at all !" His mother reassures. 

"Thank you." She smiles. 

"I'm so sorry to do this to you, but we're going to go through security in a minute, and we're supposed to put our phones in the basket." 

"Oh go right ahead. I look forward to meeting you." 

"Bye." The woman says. Though it wasn't as chirpy, it was oozing with kindness. 

Lisa collapses in his warmth, handing him back his phone while he simply laughs at her. She pulls away and attacks his shoulder. "Why didn't you give me a head's up ?!" She asks. "I could've made a fool out of myself !"

"Could've ?" He grins. "I think you did." 

"When are we meeting them ?" 

"We're picking them up from the airport and dropping them off at their house." 

"So you're telling me they wouldn't have eaten ?" She asks. 


"I know how to cook this one dish." She mumbles. 

"That chicken that you made me a month ago ?" He asks. "It was amazing."

"My mom taught me. You think I could score a couple points with your parents ?" She asks. "I want to make them dinner."

"You don't need to do that." He reassures. 

"I want to." She looks straight at him. "This relationship is getting really serious." She smiles. "I'm doing the best I can to appeal to your family." 

"You don't have t-"

"I need to." 

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