Chapter 4 ~ What Friends Are For

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Jisoo's POV ~

Well...Those two didn't mix as well as I thought they would. Who am I kidding, they're going to fall in love, aren't they? I can already see it happening.

Slowly packing up my stuff, I walk outside the grand classroom door where Jungkook and Jin are waiting outside for me. The moment the taller of the two put his arm on my shoulder, I feel the butterflies erupt endlessly in my stomach. Jungkook wears a knowing smile on his face, pretending to not have seen the slight tint of my cheeks. I hear Suho's thundering steps behind me and try to hide my face even though I know that it wouldn't do anything. He taps the back of my head, and I sigh, giving in.

"What do you want now ?" I groan exasperatedly.

"Will you go out with me? Tonight. I already made the reservation," He smirks at Jin's put-off face and Jungkook's disgusted one.

"Fine...I guess I have to, don't I ?" I sigh. At least after this, I can just say I don't like him. I can't say it now since he keeps saying that I haven't gotten to know him enough. In truth, it doesn't matter how much I get to know him, because I already have someone I like. And I'm sure about him. Absolutely, 100 percent, whole-heartedly sure about him.

"Great. 6:00. I'll text you the address," He says, his voice coming off rather dominantly.

"You don't have my phone number," I start. Jin interrupts, though I wished he wouldn't; Protecting me isn't a very effective way to get my cheeks to stop blushing.

"And you're not getting it either," He says, blocking Suho's hand.

"Fine. I'll text Jin the address, and he'll relay it to you," He gives up, shoving his phone back into his pocket and running off to his friends presumably to brag about me.

"Why'd you say yes ?!" Jungkook asks.

"It's my only chance to turn him down properly. How can I not take it ?" Shrugging, I continue walking on, not caring enough to stand around. They seem to realize, because the next moment, both of them run up to me again, taking my precious book out of my hands. Jungkook runs off with it while I chase after him, struggling against Jin's hold on me.

Idiots...the both of them.

6:45 that day ~

My fingernails rap upon the surface impatiently, switching my glance from the restaurant entrance to my phone. People are starting to look at me with pity in their eyes, and I can't stand it anymore.

"Poor girl..." I hear a kind woman say to her husband, eyeing me sympathetically. "Some jerk stood her up."

"You think ?"

"What else can it be? But she's very pretty...I don't think anyone would be able to say no to her."

I stare at my lap, fiddling with the cloth of my dress as the people around me start to pay more and more attention to me.

Soon enough, the chatter stops abruptly. I look in front of me, expecting a half-witted berk that I was going to yell at and abandon, but instead, Jin was the somebody that had sat in front of me.

I raise an eyebrow at him, silently questioning him. He raises his finger to his lips, behind which a dazzling smile was growing. He pulls my head closer, pressing a kiss on my forehead.

"Hey. Sorry I was so late. Car trouble," He says loud enough for everybody to hear. "Play along." He murmurs in my ear before pulling away. My heart starts to beat incredibly fast even as his lips drift away from me.

"I told you she hadn't gotten ditched." Another boy mutters. "And you had the audacity to think she was single."

"She could be..." His friend mutters, walking by our table and stealing a glance at my blushing face.

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