Chapter 3 ~ Dear Roommate : F' Off

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Jungkook's POV ~

I stuff the key into the worn-out gold doorknob, twisting it open. Jin pushes me out of the way, running into the dorm and flopping down on his bed; Chuckling, I follow after him.

"I take it you're happy ?" I smile over at him.

"Hell yes. I thought up another prank for our dear roommate."

"What is it ?" I ask eagerly. Suho was due to be back from practice in a couple minutes...Whatever this was, I wanted to get it done before he came and ruined the fun.

He tugs me closer, whispering into my ear, his voice drowned in amusement.

"If you put this logic into studying, I have no doubt that you'd be able to get the first rank." I chuckle exasperatedly when he pulls away and stares at my expression for my opinion.

"I'm perfectly happy with my reserved spot of the last rank," He refuses.

"Oh come on, don't lie. You're in the top 20." I roll my eyes at him. He sighs and takes his phone out, probably scrolling through a countless number of absurd memes if I know him well enough.

"Up for a game ?" I ask, standing up, walking over to our TV, and tossing him a controller.

"Sure." He tosses his phone aside and picks up the controller, sitting upright on his bed. The door opens, and speak of the devil...Suho.

"Hey, guys. What are you doing ?" He asks, setting his bag down.

Jin looks at him with a mixture of happiness and excitement as he holds up the video game controller in response to his question. I stifle a laugh at his vain attempts to suck up to Suho before pranking him. You may think that Jin's bullying him, but he's not. We have a reason to do that. He asks Jisoo out every single day. Jin, however, knows his limits. Everybody knows that those two like her. I know that Jisoo likes Jin too, but she's too stubborn to admit it.

"Can I join ?" He sits next to Jin who eagerly makes space and pats an empty space on his bed for Suho to sit down. I snort and throw the controller at him.

"Think fast," I blurt. I hear the dull thud of the controller hitting his hand, and sit on Jin's other side where he tuts at me in disappointment.

"Should've thrown a textbook. It would've hurt whether he caught it or not." I laugh outright, blaming it on hitting my funny bone. An hour later, it's 47 to 3. Jin's the one with 3 points. Every time he loses, I look at him unimpressed. He waves it away, pulling my ear to him and whispering the following.

"Let him be happy today. He won't be very happy tomorrow, will he ?" He asks. I nod in agreement, an exasperated sigh gusting out of my lips every time Suho punches his fist in the air, celebrating his planned victory.

"Let's go to sleep," I say, snatching the controllers away from the both of them. As a bystander, it's so hard to watch them play. One who's pretending to be pathetic, and one who really is pathetic, yet he's the one winning. Jin whines, trying to snatch the device back from me. I laugh, kicking him back onto his bed.

"We'll have to wake up early for this," Jin reminds me.

"For what ?" I ask.

"Suho's unfortunate day tomorrow," he chuckles. We hear Suho's snores coming from the next room, the obnoxious sound floating to our half of the dorm. There are two rooms with two beds each, so obviously we put him alone.

"Look at him," Jin says disgustedly, "Snoring like the elephant he is."

"Yeah, no kidding. He's even annoying when he's sleeping," I agree. I pull the drawstring of the bedside lamp, and the room goes dark.

"Now be quiet," I order, punching my pillow into a comfortable shape, and closing my eyes, incorrectly assuming that my friend would shut his mouth.

"I can't sleep...."

" I said shut up."

"Wow...You didn't even skip a beat."

Next day during homeroom ~

"You're brilliant," I start while he grins, raising an eyebrow at me as if to ask why.

"Replacing his inspirational essay with one about the History of Toilets...Seriously...I don't know where you get this stuff," I shake my head, ruffling his hair up as he slaps my hand away.

"Thank you," He articulates. We walk into class, spotting Jisoo who's at her corner desk like usual. We walk straight to her, the stupid grins still on our faces.

"What've you done now ?" She looks right at Jin, determined, but amused nonetheless.

"Why do you suspect me? It could've been him," He says reproachfully, eyeing me as if I was a suspect.

"Was it ?" She questions him.

"That's beside the point," At this Jisoo rolls her eyes at him, turning back to read her notes. He takes her book away from her, "If you want it back, you've to listen to me first," She shakes her head and snatches the book back anyway, still listening.

"We replaced his essay," He says triumphantly.

She cracks a smile before covering her laughter with the book. The strict old bat of a professor walks in like usual, and I flinch back into my seat slouching against the chair.

"Your essays are due today, as I'm sure you know. I expect these to be thoroughly talking about what inspires you as a student. Not what would sound appealing to me. Let's not waste any more time. You guys have a free period today since I'll be grading essays during class," She says. At the mention of the essays, Jisoo bites her lip, I put my fist in my mouth, trying to stop the rolls of laughter, while Jin remains set with one side of his lip slightly curved up.

After she's collected the essays, she shoots an alarmed glance at Suho, who has Jisoo laughing uncontrollably.

"Stage 1 is complete," Jin says, rubbing his hands together maliciously.

"Stage 1? I thought your little prank was over already ?" I ask. He pats my back, disagreeing with me.

"What's stage 2 ?" Jisoo asks once she can catch her breath.

"Convincing Ms.Liu that Suho has constipation," He says, his chin tilted arrogantly.

I laugh, nearly spitting out my water while Jisoo stands up and puts a slender hand on his shoulder, steadying herself. I catch the lost glance in his eyes and smirk.

"You didn't do this to prank Suho, did you? You did this to make her laugh," I whisper in his ears. He shrugs with a knowing glint in his eyes.

"Over here !" Jisoo waves her hand in the air, the girl from the other day shyly swerving through the clutter of desks and chairs.

"I forgot to mention. Lisa's my new roommate," She smiles. Jin shakes her hand, and she turns to me, dropping all pretenses.

Her fingers dig into mine, trying to crush my knuckles while my hand remains in too much of a crisis to fight back.

Not going to lie, her strategy was working. And it was working really well. 

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