Chapter 81 ~ Pack Your Bags

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*A/N :

This chapter takes place a couple hours before all 8 of them are leaving to go to the lodge. 


3rd Person's POV ~ 

"Packed yet ?" He asks knowingly, shutting the door of the room. 


"Really ?" He raises his eyebrow at her. She looks up from her phone guiltily. 


"There's the answer I expected." 

"I'm offended." 

"Don't care. You should pack now. You'll have some time to make sure you have everything." 

"For your information I already know what I need." She says snootily, pushing her chin up at him. He smiles and sits down next to her on her bed, both of them backed up against the headboard. 

"Oh yeah ?"

"Yeah." She says defiantly. "I have everything ready. I just need to put it in a bag." 

"Where is it ?" He asks, slightly surprised. "Where's your stuff ?"

"In that mound on the floor right there." 

She points at a pile of clothes and a bag of supplies on the floor of her closet, and a smile breaks out across his face, his head thudding on her shoulder. "You're impossible." 

He shifts, body under her warm yellow sheets and turned to the side, his face in her neck and one of his legs thrown over her bare ones. "What are you doing ?" She smiles, moving her hand around his shoulder and letting her free hand clutch her phone in front of her. His arms looped around her midriff, her sweet smelling hair drowning his senses. 

"Soft Boy." She shakes her head when he refuses to answer. 

She pulls the blankets up to cover his bulky frame and her lean one, the hem of the sheets reaching half way up his face and only revealing the bridge of his nose and a bit of his sleek cheekbone. 

At first, he wasn't planning to fall asleep, he'd just wanted to bathe in her warmth. But slowly, his eyelids got heavier as her fingers ran through his unruly jet black hair and her head suddenly seemed to rest comfortably atop his. He didn't realize when he fell asleep, but he only realized he wasn't awake when she tried to move. 

"Mm," He mumbles, tugging her waist back to him and letting his body nearly cover hers entirely. 

"I need to pack." She laughs. 

"That's nice." He murmurs carelessly, entrapping her with him. 

"Suho's at my door." 

His eyes snap open, and he scrambles off her, drifting to the opposite side of her mattress in a heartbeat. "Where ?!"

"Nobody's here, idiot." She chuckles. "I just needed you to get off me." 

"Cruel." He glares at her. "You're cruel." 

"Sorry, but I haven't packed yet." She grins, walking away from him. He lazily swings off, his legs swerving to touch the soft white carpet. 

"Let me help." He says, kneeling down with her and sorting through the mound of clothes. 

"You don't have to." She smiles, letting him anyway. 

He rifles through and folds the shirts while she stuffs the more private stuff into the side compartment before he can see. He caught a glimpse, but spots her bright red face and decides not to bring it up. 

An hour later, both their bags were packed, and they each had comfortable sweats on for the long ride to go. Unfortunately, he was inordinately tired, yawning every couple minutes with his eyelids heavy. 

"I'll drive." She chuckles, ruffling his hair up and dragging him down the stairs all the way to the student parking lot. 

"What a gentleman !" He gushes, squealing when she'd opened the door for him. "So macho."

She puffs her chest out, flexing her muscle. "Get in sweetie, I don't like other guys looking at you." 

He laughs at her, gushing harder when she closes the car door and enters through her side, pushing the keys in the ignition. He flips his imaginary long hair and crawls his finger across the divider, snatching her free hand and holding it, quickly looking away and tucking his hair behind his ear. 

"Dork." She snorts, typing the lodge's address with one hand. 

"Oh so handsome !" He whines, squeezing her cheeks. She looked proud, brushing her hair back and sitting cockily. 

She starts to drive, and by the time they got on the highway, he started to praise her muscles, massaging them for her. "Water ?" He interrogates. "Snacks, tell me what you need." 

"Your love." She grins at the door. He cringes back into his seat, groaning loudly. "Too sappy." She shudders. 

"You're so sweet." He giggles, poking her cheek and dreamily looking at her side profile as she slowly cracks a smile. 

"Tell me if a guy hits on you. I'll shatter them." She deepens her voice, getting a normal chuckle out of him. 

"Oh my god, would you please stay away from that bitch who keeps hitting on you ?" He says sassily. "She's so fake." 

"I only have eyes for you, cupcake !" She shouts loudly, laughter seeping through her statement. "You're fucking cute when you're jealous." 

"Stop it, you're making me blush !" He shrieks, slapping his cheeks to gain a rosy color. 

"I'm too sexy, I can't help it." She lifts her arm and kisses her biceps, accidentally hitting it and stifling the pain. He laughs and pats the 'wounded' area.

"Oh, you're hurt ?" He asks in mock surprise. "Don't worry I'll take care of you." 

"No need." She coughs, deepening her voice to the point where it sounds wispy. "I'm a man."

"There's something I never thought I'd hear from you." He laughs normally, slouching in his seat. 

After a while, he says, "Honey, I'm tired." 

"The fuck did you call me ?" Her voice was a pitch higher in surprise before she realizes what he's doing and playing along. 

"Then sleep. I'll wake you up."

"But I want to stare at you !" He laughs, both of them getting louder and louder by the minute.

"Then sleep with your eyes open !" 

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