Chapter 51 ~ Pain

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3rd Person's POV ~ 

"I thought you'd be here." Lisa grins, shuffling slowly to the bleachers. 

It was pitch black outside, and Jungkook remained on the bleachers, thinking about the events that had played out earlier that evening.

"Hey." He smiles, a corner of his lip automatically tugging up at the sight of her. 

She continues to march over, climbing over several sets of bleachers until she reaches the very top of the stands, plopping down next to him. 

"What are you doing here ?"

"I don't know. Depends on what you're doing here." She says cheekily. 

"Nice." He laughs. "I'm just hung up on those two." 

"What about them ?"

"Are they still fighting ? We haven't really heard from them." He sighs stressfully. She pats his back comfortingly in hopes of earning a smile. 

"The rest of us were told they've made up." She grins. "But then again you weren't there, so you wouldn't know." 

"Don't rub it in." He scoffs playfully, shoving her shoulder. "They're okay ? They're not fighting anymore?" 

"Yeah. Better than ever." She nods reassuringly. 

"Hmm..." He mumbles, staring off intently at the shiny gym floor. 

"What's on your mind ?"

"Nothing much. I was just scared they were going to break up." He admits. 

"Damn. You're emotionally invested in that relationship, aren't you ?" She teases, lightly nudging his shoulder with hers. He smiles at her, shaking his head. 

"No, I'm just scared I'll have to choose between them." He sighs. "If they split apart, there's no doubt that they'd be awkward around each other. Then it wouldn't be like the old times, and we'll all fall apart." 

"Or..." She drawls. "Maybe you're just an over thinker. They're fine, they're happy, we're fine." She lists off. He leans back with a content smile. 

"Nah, we're great." He says. She grins and leans back against the wall behind them, mimicking him. 

"'Great', you say ?" She asks. He nods. "What makes you think that ?"

"We haven't argued yet." He shrugs. "That's a good sign." 

"You're an idiot." She laughs at his nodding face. "What, you agree ?"

"Well yeah, I like you, don't I ? There's gotta be something wrong up here." He grins, tapping the side of his head. She tries to scowl at him, a stifled smile breaking through instead. 

"Maybe there is." She says, closely inspecting his eyes.

"What are you doing ?" He laughs, looking at her but not leaning away. She squints at his charmingly glittery eyes, scrutinizing them. 

"Trying to hypnotize you." She covers her ornate pupils, her eyelids clamped close as her fingers travel up to her temples, massaging them. "Tell me your ways...." She murmurs, her eyebrows knotted in mock concentration. 

"My ways of what ?" He laughs, brushing aside a stray strand of hair who's tip had been stuck on her cheek. As soon as his thumb leaves her cheekbone, a faint puckered pink tint lines her skin, and she moves her hand to cover it. 

"You dare question my thinking ?" She raises her eyebrows, her eyes flashing open as her hands continue to flutter around, making him grin wider.

"Quite the contrary, I'm questioning why you aren't thinking." He laughs at her disgruntled face. "But please, tell me what you will." 

"Who do you think I am ?" She laughs in a mock demanding tone.

"I don't know, probably a seer ?" He guesses through his wavering voice filled with chuckles. 

"Excellent !" She mimics. "Would you let me read your future ?"

"You can't read the future, Lisa." He grins, getting her charming smile to drop.

"Okay, well would you let me predict as if I could read it ?"

"Have at it."  

"If I was somebody who could predict the future, I'd tell you everything's going to be just fine." She says pointedly, dropping her amusing voodoo act. 

"What ?" He asks, his smile slightly growing. 

"If I could see the future, I'd tell you that Jisoo and him are going to be great." She says comfortingly. "I'd tell you that you shouldn't worry too much, and that I think you have a bright future." 

"And what would you say if you're just like me ? If you can't see the future ?" 

"If I couldn't see the future, I'd still tell you not to worry. Live in the moment, not in your thoughts." She scoffs. 

"What else would you say ? I'd imagine you'd ramble." He teases, nudging her shoulder. 

"I'm not a dispenser, there's only so many not-stupid things I can say !" She insists, shoving his arm and laughing. 

"I think you've run out." He nods, knocking her head with the side of his. 

"Oh my god, how do you do that ?" She laughs, her fingers pressing against the spot his head had smashed against hers. "Doesn't it hurt ?" 

"It does." He shrugs. "For you. I'm fine."" 

"Gee, thanks for pointing out the obvious." She scowls. "Let me try." She insists. 


"No, tell me how to do it." 

"Just be reckless." He advises. "Though I don't think you need to be told twice." He smiles. 

"Say no more." She smiles challengingly, cracking her knuckles. His eyes widen at the series of pops that come from her hands and neck. 

"Is it too late to back out ?" He backs away from her. Her hands fist in the collar of his sweatshirt, tugging him closer and keeping his head in place. 

"Ready ?" She looks straight into his eyes, her hands on either side of his face. 

"I'm terrified." He whimpers with a slight smile on his face. 

"3...," Her grip gets tighter on him, "2...," She brings her head back, "1...," She brings her head forward, clashing against the top of his. 

"O-ow !" He managers to whimper in pain through the fits of laughter once he realized she was also wailing in pain. "Idiot-- Not that hard !- What's wr-wrong with you ?!" He manages to wheeze out while they both clutch their heads with their eyes clamped shut. 

"Shit, I'm dizzy." She laughs, trying to make her way down the bleachers.

"Are you stupid ?" He asks, lifting off the steel seats and chasing after her. "You'll fall !" 

Thankfully she doesn't, but that was probably because he'd secretly held on to a flap of her jacket, preventing her from tripping over equipment multiple times. 

"Does it still hurt ?" She asks him. 

"I think I'm seeing stars." He wavers, both of them drunkenly stumbling out of the gym.

"That might be because it's fucking 3 am in the morning, but don't let that stop your vivid imagination." 


*A/N :

I don't know if I'll update for the rest of this week. I have a lot of tests and stuff that I need to do. 

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