Chapter 35 ~ Staircase to Heaven

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3rd Persons' POV ~ 

"Oi !" Jisoo hisses, ripping a sheet of paper right out of her neat notebook and crumpling it up, shooting it right at Jungkook's head which remained still in front of her. 

Computers were situated in front of every bored student, shining on their dulled faces and bringing attention to the bags underneath their eyes and the loose strands of hair that seemed to be too long compared to the rest of their hair. 

Though the classroom walls are bare the windows are large, they were still the best spots to sit near. Everyone wanted a window seat to sit in the unsubdued light of the morning and bathe in the warmth of the afternoon sun later on in the day. Outside, the sky is blue except for a few strands of airplane trails. 

Whoever painted the walls of the emporium was probably drunk, students thought. The emporium, had the seats and the tall podium up front been removed, was fit for a ball room. 

The teacher walks in looking as inspired as a used tea bag, and already, Lisa feels a daydream starting. A really good one at that. 

"Is he broken ?" Jennie hisses. 

"I like to think he's just trying out for the role of a statue." Jin defends. 

"All jokes aside, what happened ?" Jimin demands. 

"Just ask him." Jisoo urges, nudging Jin's elbow. He turns next to him, his head facing two blushing figures next to him, each as red as the other. 

"Did you get rejected ?" He asks softly, showing pity. 

"That's funny." Jungkook says, clearly out of his mind. 

"Idiot." He slaps the back of his friend's head. "Pay attention."

"Eh ?"

"Did you get rejected ?" 

"N-no." He promptly blushes, no matter how much he tries to stifle the rising color in his cheeks. 

"Listen, I'm not going to sit here and watch you impersonate a tomato, so if you could just speed it up a little- Ow !" Jin hisses. Jisoo had reached forward to pinch his forearm reproachfully. 

"She kissed me." He manages, his eyes whirling back into a strange distant state.

"What ?!" Jisoo asks a little too loud. The tight-haired professor turns to look disapprovingly at her, her pencil lifted from her thick notebook. 

"Anything wrong back there ?" She asks, her words sharper than a knife. 

"No." Jisoo stares the old woman down, her brilliant dark eyes glaring the professor into turning her attention to the crumpled pages she'd been writing on. 

"Not like that !" Jungkook protests. 

"How many ways could there be ?" Jimin demands. 

"She didn't mean to." He says exasperatedly, saving the girl beside him from complete embarrassment.  

Was she flustered ? Of course. 

Was he secretly happy ? There was no part of him that felt anything else. 

"And how exactly does that happen ?"

"It was an accident. Some idiot came barging down, and pushed her." He stops, gulping. "And she held on to me." 

"Ah, I see." Jin grins gleefully. 

"Shut it." 



"Don't mess what up ?" She asks curiously. 

"Oh, nothing." He shakes it off, walking in a comfortable silence with her across the foyer. 

Eventually, he starts to jibe playfully at her, making her scowl teasingly and snap back at him. They shuffle mindlessly around the school, up and down staircases, circling around fountains, and letting their feet take them anywhere as long as they weren't standing still. 

Their conversation was so much more than words. It was the smiles, the gentle shrugs and the light in their eyes. They were both elevated by each other's presence to the point where the normally would-be awkward silences were comfortable. 

Seemingly, there were so many more moments between the two that they treasured despite all their arguments, punches, and slapping. 

Chatting with him was a sort of verbal dance, one beautifully chaotic, one that makes you laugh out loud feel your heart switching on. It was banter, she guesses, but she lived for it, looked forward to it, and would have spent any amount of time in his company that she could have. They were funny together, not so much with others (rarely, if they were lucky) ...they just brought that sense of playfulness out of one another.

Their banter was crude, and they insulted each other often, but that was the way it was with them. No insults meant you really weren't fit for being friends with each other. You had to have a nick-name too, and trust them when they said it wouldn't reflect your good qualities.

They bounced remarks between themselves like a kid's rubber ball. They were never sure if they really got wittier as the evening wore on or if it was just the effect of their insanity making everything seem so much funnier.

They had started to wander up to the terrace of one of the buildings, climbing down after the top  had gained quite a couple visitors ; They liked each other best when they were alone. 

Their feet trudged slowly down the stairs though their cackles and pokes at each others qualities made up for it. In anyone else's eyes, they probably would've viewed it as verbal abuse, but between them, it was their version of a distilled endearment. 

An obnoxious student barges down the stairs, stealing another girl's papers. Both students had run into Lisa at the bottom of the stairwell, pushing her against the wall in their rush. She, in a rush to hold her balance, had grabbed onto the closest thing to her. 


Her hands had grabbed at him, and he doesn't even have the time to process what had happened before his hands land on either side of her head against the wall and their lips smash against each other. 

Had it just been anyone else, he'd have pulled away immediately. But it wasn't just anyone else. It was her.

Both their eyes had widened, their eyelids stretching in surprise. He waits a second before pulling away to mask his delay. 

As quickly as she'd grabbed him, she let go, her hands no longer clutching his shirt between her knuckles. He lets her escape from the wall, putting a decent bit of distance between them though she closes it. 

"S-sorry." She stutters, both of them blushing wildly and ignoring the bell screeching over the campus. 

"It's fine." He says truthfully. 

It was a lot more than fine.

"Can we forget about that ?" She asks after a portion of silence. 

"Yeah." He nods instantaneously, undoubtfully disappointed. Although if it made her comfortable, he supposed he should play along.

"It's not your fault." He presses the fact on her. "It was the staircase." 

"Yeah." She nods aggressively, continuing. 

"Stupid staircase." 


*A/N :

I thought the title was clever :) 

And how did you guys like this chapter ?

I'm personally rather proud of this one. 

Thank you ! 

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