Chapter 26 ~ Midnight Pranks and Early Regrets

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3rd Person's POV ~ 

"Remind me again why I'm doing this ?" Jin asks, lounging nonchalantly on the couch. 

"Because if I do something idiotic, I'd doubt you wouldn't want in." Jungkook mutters, pacing across the width of the sofa.

"Though I do want to be a part of this, may I ask why you thought of doing this in the first place?" He asks, staring at his nails. Jungkook peers out the cold window panes, sighing a the pitch black sky outside. 

"Don't make me say it again....Once was enough..." The younger of the two blushes, pacing rather slowly as one of his feet kick stupidly against the soft white carpet. 

"Not for me, it wasn't," The latter grins. "Say it again." 


"Then I won't help." 

"Ugh..." He scowls at Jin, rolling his eyes so obviously it was a wonder his head didn't hurt. "It's because Suho's picking on Lisa, okay ? And I want to beat the crap out of him for it. Happy ?"

"Not yet. Tell me more. What is the significance of my girlfriend picking on yours ?" Jin asks, tapping his foot patiently against the foot of the recliner. 

"She isn't my girlfriend." He blushes, liking the idea regardless. 

"And you're just going to acknowledge the fact that Suho's supposedly my lover ?" Jin chuckles. 

"I couldn't care less." 

"Fair enough." He leans forward, his hands clasped in a business like manner. "How're we confusing him this time ?"

Jungkook pulls out a bright yellow post it with 'Sorry for the damage !' scrawled with big red letters on it, smirking. "I have a feeling this'll keep him busy." 


(They're in the student parking garage) 

"Ow !" Jin hisses, smacking the back of his friend's head. "You're stepping on my foot !"

"If you aren't quiet, I'll break it too." The latter threatens, crouching down and crawling past the several rows of car. The security guard's booth was lit with a bright bulb that seemed like it was fit for a floodlight at a stadium in comparison to the inky black night. 

"Do you think he can see us ?" Jungkook whispers, his knee digging into the pavement to halt his movement. The guard had fallen asleep on his chair, his arms crossed laxly against his chest, his head lolling on his shoulder and a red whistle sticking to his drool-glazed lip. 

"Well it's not like I wanted to be arrested, do I ?" Now it was Jin's turn to be sarcastic. "If I thought we were in danger, I'd tell you." 

"Or you'd laugh at me while I got caught." 

"Always a possibility." He muses. 

"Idiot." Jungkook growls, grabbing the corner of Jin's jacket to tug him behind Suho's car. A flashlight was bitten still between his teeth, the light flashing out against the slightly dusty windshield wiper. 

His hand reaches out, stamping the note firmly upon the vast spread of the front window. "You sure this'll work ?" Jin asks nervously, looking at the measly piece of paper against the large front window. 

"Trust me," He grins. "It will." He'd forgotten about the flashlight between his teeth, his words making it tumble it against the concrete. He watches in horror as it clatters loudly, awaking the middle aged man in the fluorescent lit booth. 

"Who's there ?!" He barks, getting his own, much larger light out. Jungkook pulls Jin in front of the car, their bodies slumping quietly against the grill. Jin's shoe whips out of sight just in time, a beam of light barely grazing the heel of his sneakers. 

Jung kook's body presses against the front of the car even more so when the neon jacket clad officer walks numbly past the back of the vehicle. As soon as he passes by again, both let out a tiny sigh of relief. 

"---- Ruddy squirrels," They hear him growl before he sets the light down and slumps in his chair again. 

"Now we tackle problem 2." Jungkook frowns. 

"Don't tell me we haven't fucked everything up yet, what more can there be ?" Jin asks exasperatedly. 

"We just need to find a way to get out..."

"... Tell me you're kidding." 



"Ah, fuck..." Jungkook groans, turning sharp at the timely resound of a bone cracking. "Everything hurts." 

"Well maybe if you hadn't fallen down the stairs-" 

"Maybe if you hadn't  panicked and pushed me down..." He starts. 

"Don't worry, I've got battle scars too." Jin winks at him, his back decorated generously with red scars and blooming purple bruises. "We don't do anything alone." 

"Then I'm hoping one of us won't be late today." He smiles at his loyal friend, slipping a white shirt on before heading into the bathroom and patting Jin's shoulder. 

"Ow, ow, ow, get it off, get it off-," Jin begs, his hand desperately trying to pry Jungkook's off. To say in short, other methods worked faster than this one did. 

Soon they were each freshly bathed and fashionably late, taking their own sweet time with dressing themselves because 'they don't do anything half-assed' ; If they were late, they'd be damn late. 

"Let's go." Jungkook urges, grabbing the back collar of Jin's shirt and dragging him out of the room. He pries himself out of his much faster friend's grip, scowling and readjusting his shirt. Jung kook's hand reaches out to twist the doorknob open, only closing the door when both of them were greeted with the frivolous morning breeze. 

They'd made their way to class leisurely, deciding they had a better shot at appearing late enough to say they slept in than arrive a couple minutes into class with no excuse. 

"Why're you two late ?" The professor barks at the both of the them the moment their feet exceed the silver door catch. 

"Way to give us time to breathe." Jungkook mutters under his breath. "We slept in. Our alarm didn't ring loud enough and we dozed through it." He says louder. 

"Together ? You slept through it together ?" She raises a sharply trimmed eyebrow.  

"Those are private student affairs." Jin winks openly at her, walking to the pair of open seats and sending Taehyung and Jimin into a fit of laughter. 

"Where're Lisa and Jisoo ?" Jungkook whispers, pulling his chair back and plopping down with an exasperated sigh. 

"Hospital. A final check up for her leg, I think." Jimin shrugs, leaning back in his chair. "Jisoo drove her there." 

"Speak of the devil-" Jungkook murmurs, his eyes automatically drifting to the taller of the two girls. Every bored male's gaze had strayed to her as well, and he's absolutely sure that they were all thinking the same thing ~

Oh. My. God. 


Oh my god - (G)- Idle. Bop. 

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