Chapter 86 ~ Chandelier

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*A/N :


I'm sorry.


3rd Person's POV ~ 

Silence follows. That is, until her scream and a crash of glass had drowned over anything else he could hear. 

"I'm going back to the lodge." He mutters hurriedly to Jisoo. 

"Go. We'll all ride in my car." She nods at the tone of his voice. 

"Thanks." He manages before he runs out to the parking lot and recklessly throws the bag of medicine and candy in what should've been where she was sitting. He slings on the seatbelt, repeatedly using voice activation to try and call her. 

Every time, the same woman would answer dryly on the other end, "If you'd like to leave a voicemail, please press '1'." And each time, he'd frantically press it only to hear Lisa's sarcastic reply.

"Bitch, if I didn't answer you, it's because I didn't want to." 

He nearly cracked a smile at that, he was never sent to voicemail when he called her, but remembered the situation at hand and sobered up in an instant. He grabs his phone off the seat when he arrives, leaving the medicine and candy strewn on Lisa's would-be seat and rushing out, slamming the car door shut behind him. 

He reaches the lodge door, and nearly kicks it open before realizing she'd be in there longer if he didn't just open it normally. He fishes out the keys, hands trembling as he opens it takes the time to lock it before running into his room. 

The moment he opens the door, he runs to her, not processing the sight. The chandelier rope was severed like someone swung up there and cut it, and when he spotted a dagger on the floor a couple feet away from her, he understood that that's exactly what happened. 

The chandelier itself had fallen atop her form which was still warm with her running fever, but her sweatshirt was taken off and folded neatly on the bed like she'd not been wearing it before the trinkets of the large lighting piece fell on her. She was buried under a mountain of glass shards, a small pool of blood leaking from under her. He picks her up, not minding the small pieces of glass that pricked his skin. He flips her over carefully, ripping a cotton white sweatshirt off his chair and pressing it to her back, successfully clogging the wound. He brings out his phone,  hurriedly explaining the situation before hanging up and repeatedly shaking her. 

"Shortie," He mumbles desperately. "Shortie, please if you're messing with me, stop." 

There's no way she could've been messing with him. The glass of his window was cracked like they'd used her to break it so they could jump through with ease, and then let the chandelier fixture fall on her. 

It was a painful sight. She still had his jersey on, her bare legs cut and bruised while her face remained unmarked. There was a small wound near her collarbone and jaw, but most of the damage had been done to her spine. 

For a moment, she moved, and his heart stopped. "It hurts..." She groans, trying to touch her bruised up hand. He gently pushes it down, cupping her cheek. 

"Please don't touch it, okay ?" He asks, finding it very hard to keep his voice from trembling. She nods weakly, staring at herself. 

"I'm bleeding." She says stupidly. 

"You'll be fine." He brushes her hair back, pressing a soft kiss on her forehead while trying to clog the large slash on her back. "I'll make sure you'll be fine." 

"You look funny." She giggles, reaching up to touch his face, he doesn't stop her, but his brows furrow. 

"What do you mean, I look 'funny' ?"

"Not you." She corrects, playing with his forearm. "The sky." 

"There's a roof." He says, his heart beat starting to get more erratic. 

"It's blurry." She mumbles. "Can there be holes in the sky ?"

"No, no, there can't be." He mumbles answering her question but lifting her head up to search for a wound. 

"Then why are there black spots ?" Her innocent voice sounded clueless, but he knew better. 

"Can you see my face ?"

"It's the only thing I can see." Again, she reaches up to touch it. 

"Do you remember me ?"

"Course I do, Soft Boy." 

"What color are my eyes ?"

"Woody brown." She recites. 

"Not what you remember them as." He insists. "What color do they look like to you right now ?" 

"Green." She frowns, equally confused with herself though he was more worried. 

After what felt like an eternity, a white-siren bus and several workers head in, and he lets them take her, following a nurse's advice to grab his car and follow the ambulance. He could barely see the car in front of him, his vision blinded with white hot fury. He veered onto the highway, swerving, drifting, using tricks he didn't even think he knew. 

He couldn't hear anything, the anger finally getting to him. His heart beat so loud that he felt the pulse of blood flowing irregularly through his body, the veins in his ears throbbing as a result. 

Jisoo calls him, and his cars software managed to remember her, picking up the call automatically. "What happened ?" She asks. "We came home and there's all this blood on the floor, and-- oh my god, there's a knife." She gasps. 

"I don't know either." He manages. "She's in an ambulance right now." 

"Are you with her ?"

"Couldn't be." He grits his teeth. "Too many nurses were needed."

"Which hospital ?" She demands. 

"I don't know, I'm just following the ambulance." He mutters. "Presumably the closest one." 

"We're coming." 

"You have Lisa's parents' numbers, right ?"


"Call them. I think they have the right to know." 

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