Chapter 21 ~ I Did It !

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Jungkook's POV ~

I snap my neck, stretching as much as I possibly could. The pistol blows in the air as all 4 teams start to sprint forward. I narrow my eyes as I watch helplessly while Jinyoung isn't nearly as fast as the other starters. Chan takes the baton, sprinting forward with all his might as he falls behind the red team. As he sped around the curve, he shoots an apologetic glance at me. Jisung grabs the baton, sprinting for the life of him as he attempts to speed the curve and sprint the straights. I take my place on the track, keeping my arm outstretched. Looking for my last source of comfort, I glance at my friends, all 7 of them. Wait....7? There's only supposed to be 6! I squint at the extra figure, butterflies exploding in my stomach as I see who it is.

Lisa......she came.


I turn back to the track as Lisa's smiling face replays in my head, even as I look elsewhere. Jisung approaches me, not slowing down as I start to run catching the baton. I eye the runner in front of me, focusing on his pace. I glance at the coming curve of the track, taking my opportunity. Tilting my body just right, I maneuver myself to match his steps. As the end of the curve comes closer, I surpass him, sprinting my life away as my hair blows behind me. The wind hits my face ruthlessly, not bothering to die down as I approach the last curve.

I ignore the burning in my calves, pushing past my body's limit to sprint some more. I hear her screams cheering me on from the stands, my mind drawing a beautiful image of her that couldn't have been prettier than her, because let's face it: Her personality's gorgeous. She's the one I've had my eye on for the past couple...weeks.

"I'm so proud of you !" I hear her shout, my ears perking up and my heart quickening in a way that had nothing to do with the sprinting. I feel my affection for her burst through the roof, encouraging me to dash across the remaining couple yards.

My stomach rips the ribbon at the end, and I stop running, not even having enough energy to sit down. The sweat drips ruthlessly down my exhausted face, creating tracks and paths along my features.

"You won !" I hear her shout. She had hopped over the safety gate along with the others, limping to me.

I walk closer despite the thudding pain in my legs, opening my arms wide and bending my knees to match her height. She beams a massive smile, running as fast as she could to close the distance between us. Her body thuds against mine, the moment of contact restoring the strength in my screaming legs. Her feet lift off the ground, my face in her shoulder and my arms around her waist.

I'm going to enjoy this while I can. While I'm too tired to blush, and while she's too happy to notice how much of an effect she has on me.

Unexpectedly, her arms ravel around my shoulders, clutching me equally as tight as my grasp on her. My lips stretch into a wide grin, the sweat that was considered an irritation before now barely existent in my state of bliss.

"You did so well." She whispers into my ear, her hand ruffling the back of hair up into a sweaty, entangled mess.

"Because of you."

"I didn't run, did I ?" She pulls away, her toes slowly touching the runway. She lowers herself all the way, her arms still wound tightly around me. "It was all you."

I wink at the others who remain a couple feet away from us, passing money between each other. It seems that they'd made bets on us again.

They take my gesture as an indicator, grabbing me in a giant hug. In the mess of tangled, loose limbs, her hand remains clasped in mine the entirety of the time. My face was red hot under the floodlights of the stadium, her smiles and beauty making my heart race, and her small warm hand seemingly burning through mine. I felt like I was on cloud 9, yet at the same time, it felt like I was going to burn any minute.

Lisa's hand slips out of mine as she walks over to a bench, grabbing ice packs and tissues, forcing me to sit down.

"When'd you come ?"

"A friend drove me." She says, handing me the ice to put under my shirt.

"But what about your cast ?" I ask, noticing her leg that seemed as good as new.

"Oh, that." She smiles, sitting next to me and wiping the sweat off my face. "I woke up at 4 am to get it off. I'm glad I didn't miss this." She smiles.

"Thanks." I huff. I couldn't think of anything else to say. My mouth ran dry when she let out a charming laugh, leaning closer to swipe the dripping streams of liquid off my neck.

"Oh, you don't have to do that." I stutter, taking the napkin from her. She slaps my hand away, all the while not looking directly into my eyes.

"I want to do this for you."

"F-for me ?"

"Yeah. I don't know if you heard," She smiles, pulling away even though I wish she hadn't. She stares at her lap, both the blush and grin progressively growing more noticeable. "But I'm really proud of you." She looks at me.

"I don't think there's any way I couldn't have heard." I tease, earning a punch to the shoulder.

Eventually, we make it outside the venue, away from the crowding mob of people and the rest of our friends who'd each magically departed with various excuses of our own, going through the trouble to make sure Lisa and I had to drive home together.



Sorry guys, but I'm worn out. I think that'll be the last update for today.

Phew ! 22 updates in a couple hours!

I hope you guys are happy, and I hope you guys will give this book the same love that my original copy got before there was a bug in the system. 

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