Chapter 91 ~ Spilled Secret

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*A/N :

I think you might recognize a part of this chapter ;) 

You'll see what I mean soon enough.


3rd Person's POV ~ (Another week later)

Yes, it was pitch black outside and an ungodly hour of the morning. Probably one or two. 

Yes, Lisa and Jungkook were the only two awake. It seemed like an event now. Every week, there would be at least one day where they'd stay up late. No exceptions. 

They were in her room, celebrating her completely pain-free stitches. She could now move normally and walk down staircases without passing out, and more of their very limited alone time went to spending it laughing than spending it coughing. 

They were both backed up against the headboard of her mattress, him complaining about why her room was so bright and positive and her jibing at how his room looked like Batman's lair. 

"I want peanut mode back !" She whines as quietly as possible, holding on to him. 

His hands were cupping her cheeks, his lips profusely attacking every inch her face. In between, he laughs and simply whispers, "Shut up. I haven't gotten to do this in a long while." 

"But I want peanut back !" She groans, pretending to complain. If she really didn't like it, she'd have moved away, but she was leaning into him.

"I'm still peanut." He insists between a kiss. "Just a very desperate peanut." 

"Soft Boy, I will kill you." She laughs, holding onto his collar. 

"Oh yeah ?" He grins, finally stopping though she was too shy to tell to start again. "How would you murder me ?"

"Well first grab you in a headlock." She smiles, wrapping her arms around his neck. He scoffs, obviously not processing her subtle attempt at flirting. 

"Shortie, that is not a headlock." He insists. "This is a headlock." He grabs her by the neck, locking her head in his elbow. 

"Of course I know what a headlock is, mud brain !" She laughs. He lets her go, grinning as he leans back against the headboard. 

"If I dated anybody else but you, they'd wring my neck." He smiles. "Then again, I wouldn't really want to date them if they weren't you."  

"Peanut !" She insists, grabbing his collar threateningly. 

"I'm working on my duality." He winks. 

"Which is ?" She was more amused than she let on. 

"A peanut brained Casanova." He smiles proudly.

She didn't expect to laugh, but when she did, she found it oddly hilarious. She knew she shouldn't have laughed so hard, but she did. Her laughter was slightly loud in the beginning, but it faded into silent wheezes while he just laughed because she looked like she was about to piss her pants any minute. "It's not that funny." He insists, helping her up while she wipes a tear or two from her eyes. 

"I know it isn't, but I laugh at anything when I'm sleepy." 

"Anything ?" He asks mischievously. She nods before looking at him appraisingly. 

She tackles him, their feet tangled in a mess by the headboard. Her arms pushed his down on her mattress,  her face above his. "I don't know what you have planned. I'd like it to stay that way." She smiles when he laughs, helplessly trying to move his arms. 

"Let me go !" He whispers, grinning all the while. She doesn't trap his arms anymore, gently lying on top of him. His head lifted up, attacking her lips and getting her to succumb.

"Leave if you can." She smiles knowingly when he groans.

"You know I can't leave if you do this." He mutters, hugging her anyway, not bothered enough to move. 

"That's exactly my plan."

"Let's see how well that plan of yours works when I kidnap you to my room." He grins, heaving both of their body weights up and sitting upright. 

"No !" She laughs. "I don't like your room. It's too dark in there." 

"It's nighttime." He grins. "It's dark everywhere." 

"Speaking of..." She bites her lip guiltily. "Maybe you should get some sleep." 

"Hm ?" He frowns. "It's weekly loose-your-sanity day. Why would I go sleep ?"

She smiles at the nickname he had for staying up late. "Because all last week you've been tending to me. Don't think your exhaustion has escaped my notice." 

"Nah, I'm fine." He says, clenching his jaw to stifle a yawn. 

She smiles and leans forward, kissing his cheek. "As sweet as that is, go. We'll watch a movie or something tomorrow." 

"Fine." He nods, begrudgingly getting up. 

"Anything else ?" He asks, a soft grin lacing his lips.

His sweatshirt was slung on lazily like any other day, but it felt different in that moment. It felt like she was looking through a kaleidoscope ; Each part of him glimmered differently, and no matter how much you stared, you'd always tell yourself 'just a little bit longer'.

"Okay, then." He says, his hand reaching forward to touch her cheek. "Bye." His lips meet hers, his thumb grazing over the pretty coral tinge that doused her sleek cheekbones. Her hand floats to touch his, and he decides to pull away, leaving him to chuckle at her serene face. "Lis, we've been dating for more than 2 years." He smiles, his fingers still holding on to her as if she was the last thing in the world. "You blush every single time."

"I can't help it." She murmurs, her innocent chocolate brown eyes staring into his dulled lazy ones.

"I should get going." He says more to himself than to her. His gaze kept drifting down to her tempting lips, and back to her eyes as if he was trying to make a decision. He didn't think he'd be able to leave at this pace.

"Wait !" She calls after him. His hand was on the knob of the dorm door, his unruly dark hair brushing away from his attractive face.

"Hm ?"

"I love you."



I keep my promises. I included the prologue preview in the chapter ;) 

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