Chapter 95 ~ Petty Fight

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*A/N :

This chapter takes place a couple days after the coffee shop incident


3rd Person's POV ~ 

"She said to check if we have ready meals, right ?" Lisa asks, scrounging the kitchen cabinets. 

"Yeah." He mumbles, helping her search. 

"Can't. Reach !" She jumps, her hand swatting in the air fruitlessly. 

She'd just been about to give up, turning around and bumping into his chest. "Sorry." He laughs, sparing a glance at her before reaching the cabinet she'd been swatting at with ease and swinging it open. 

"No." He mutters. "Nothing." He lets the cabinet door clamp close again, not budging and watching her trying to escape. He puts his palms on the kitchen counter behind her waist, entrapping her there. She looks up at him cluelessly, tapping his chest and pointing to the living room. 

"That can wait." He grins slightly, leaning in front of her face in a way that his face matched her height. "Kiss me." He smiles, his gaze flickering to her lips and back to her eyes. 

"Go ask Tzuyu." She says sourly, lightly pushing him out of the way. He doesn't budge, catching her waist when she tries to run away. 

"Oh come on, don't be like that." He groans, pressing a quick kiss on her forehead. She eases up slightly. 

"Don't be like what ?" She mutters, not looking at him. "I'm completely normal." 

"2 years. I've dated you for 2 years, not including the 7 months it took for me to muster up enough courage to go out with you." He says. "You can lie, but you're more than my girlfriend, Shortie. We're best friends, I can tell when you're not being truthful." 

"There's no reason to lie." She mumbles. 

"Then why are you lying ?" He asks. She freezes. "You have every right to keep secrets, but you're obviously upset with me. Tell me so I can fix it." 

"It's not you." She says, slightly guilty. 

"Who ?"


He scoffs immediately, and she started to get angry again. "What, you think I'm joking ?"

"No, I just think it's a bit much to get upset about that." He shrugs. She glares up at him, no longer trying to escape but rather staying in their bubble of privacy to pound a lesson into him. 

"Of course you think that." Her finger jabs softly at his chest because no matter how mad she was, she couldn't manage to hurt him. "You just calmly tell her to cut it out instead of giving her a piece of your mind."

"You know I'm not the type to yell." He says. 

"Or get mad." She grumbles. "I know. I just wish you would." 

"Look at it from my point of view. You've never taken her seriously, so I haven't either." 

"How about my perspective ?" She asks. "I don't understand why you don't get the simple fact that maybe I make jokes to hide the fact that I'm scared."

"Of what ?" He asks. "Loosing me to her ?" His voice gives away how ridiculous he thought that idea was. 

"Worse." She says. "Loosing you at all." 

"Then why don't you just try not to get jealous ?"

"I'm not jealous !" She insists. 

She was. 

She knew she was, but with her stubbornness,  there's no way she'd ever admit that. 

"Okay fine, you're not." 

"What, are you mocking me ?"

"All I did was agree with you, moron." 

"Shut up." Normally, she wouldn't have snapped like this and probably would've agreed with him, but she was holding in too much. 

"I still don't get why you're mad." 

He didn't mean to say it loud. Inwardly, he winces when she begins to glower at him. 

"I'll tell you why I'm mad." She tugs him closer, tip toeing to tug his collar closer. "Because you complain about how annoying she is but you never once tell her to just stop. You just beat around the bush with 'I have a girlfriend', 'I'm not interested in you', do you have any idea how happy it would make me if you just told her to stop ?"

He remained silent, biting back his tongue because deep inside, he knew she was right. 

"I don't get jealous." He points out. Curse his stubbornness. 

"Yeah, because I've made it clear I'll break Suho's skull if he comes near me." She says. "I wouldn't ever be mad at you for something I haven't fixed." She says pointedly. "But if you don't trust me, think about it this way. Since the start, how many times have you seen Suho talking to me versus Beautified Bigfoot talking to you ?"

"He barely talks to me." She says. "Two of the three times he did was before we started dating. But I didn't really know Tzuyu until after she started flirting with you." 

He listened patiently, and he knew most of the things were valid and he was being a jerk, but that didn't stop him from retaliating. "He literally followed you around that day at the arcade. I didn't see you telling him off then." 

"I didn't know he had a crush on me !" She says, letting go of his collar. "All of the times he's talked with me was only to insult me !" 

"I get that you're upset,  but why didn't you tell me sooner ?"

"Because I kept thinking, 'he'll tell her to stop sooner or later'." She sniffs like she was holding back a tear or two. "But you never did. I just can't believe you had to ask why I was upset. Isn't it obvious ?"

"Yeah ?" He asks, slightly irritated. She doesn't cower under his gaze. "Well how am I supposed to know that was why you were sad ?" He demands. "You don't even talk with me anymore."

"Well maybe that's because she's around you 24/7. Ever thought of that?" She turns away from him. "And you don't even tell her to leave." 

Her voice cracks at the last bit, and she managed to muster enough strength to bite back her urge to cry, gently pushing aside his forearm and grabbing her phone off the coffee table. 

Her final statement made it all click in his head like the sound of the lock of the door gently closing shut when she left him alone in the dorm. He sighs in frustration and messes his hair up. 

"I fucked up." 

Opposites Repel - LiskookTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang