Chapter 39 ~ Jealousy Wears an Uncomfortable Suit

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3rd Person's POV ~ 


(Continuation of Flashback) 

"So ?" He asks. "What's your answer ?"

"Yes." She huffs. 

"Great." He grins, kissing her hand. She snatches it away uncomfortably, wiping it off on her blouse. 

"Err-- What time ? And Where ?" She asks awkwardly. 

"Tonight. I texted the restaurant address to your pretty friend." Jinyoung grins at Jisoo who nods in acknowledgement. 

"Why are you harassing her ?" Lisa starts, earning a rather provocative tone. 

"No, no, please don't think that. My friend, Suho, you may've heard about him, gave me her number, so I went ahead and texted her." 

"....Alright." Lisa nods stiffly after Jisoo mutters repeatedly that it's okay in her ear. "See you in a couple hours." 

"You too." He smiles wide. 

They stand there for a while, each staring the other down. "Are you going to move or not ?" She demands. "We need to get through." 

"There's a clear path over there." He says amusedly. 

"Seeing as you interrupted us in the first place, it's only right for you to make way." Lisa insists, earning an impressed gaze from him. 

"Feisty." He whispers, walking by the group of girls. 

"If he thinks you're feisty, he's obviously not had the pleasure of meeting Katy Purry." Jennie smiles, trying to get Lisa to grin. 

"Fuck, that does sound terrible." Lisa smiles. "I should probably change the names,  shouldn't I?"

"You shouldn't. They reflect your dorky personality." 

"I am not dorky !" She insists. 

"Then why do you nearly piss yourself in excitement when ever you see an animal ?"

"No comment." 

"Point proven." 

(End of Flashback) 


(Still 3rd Person's POV) ~ 

(Jungkook and Jin's dorm) 

"I just don't get it !" He throws his hands up in the air. "What's he got that I don't ?"

"I don't know. He's a bit shorter than yo-"

"Just say nothing."

"Nothing. He's got nothing on you." 

"It's so frustrating ! I was planning on confessing to her in a couple days anyway, why can't anything go my way ?!"

"Maybe they aren't dating. Maybe they're just going a single date." 

"And what if they aren't ?"

"Then I'll let my lack of self-awareness come out and destroy their relationship." 

"Don't do that ! She'll be heartbroken."

"She's dating a guy that looks like he can't break a twig, I wouldn't make that big of an assumption." 

"I'm being serious !"

"You think I'm joking ? Poor guy needed help pushing the gym door open." Jin muses. "Bit ironic when you realize he was only in there to lift weights." 

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