Chapter 9 ~ Just 5 More Minutes

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Jungkook's POV ~

All night, I spent the precious hours of my sleep twisting and turning. My blankets rustling too much for me to be asleep, I stare at the ceiling, cursing at myself for leaving her hanging like that. Eventually, the sun peeks out from the clouds and casts a mellow light on my gaunt face. Reluctantly, I push my way out of my warm, ruffled covers, walking over to Jin's bed. Normally he'd wake me up, but today's a different story. Sitting next to him on his disarrayed bed, I start to nudge his shoulder.

"Wake up," I say several times. Irritated when he doesn't show a sign of acknowledging me, a sudden idea brings a grin to my face. "Jisoo's here !" I yell. He jerks up, sitting on the bed instead of lying on it.

"What? Where ?" He says, frantically trying to ruffle his messy hair back into place. I laugh, not bothering to answer him. I hear Suho rush out of his room and into ours.

"Where is she ?" He asks. I throw a sour look in his direction while Jin looks at him, for the first time, dangerously.


I hear Jin stifle a snicker, pretending to carelessly scroll through his phone. I push past Suho, grabbing my backpack off of my desk and slinging it over my shoulder, my other hand stuffed in my pocket. As I walk over to him, he puts his phone in his pocket.

"Ready to go ?" I ask. He nods making a grab for the keys on the table and twirling them around his fingers. I open the door, enjoying the fresh breeze as Jin locks the door, giving Suho a little extra trouble once he gets out of that damned shower. I wait for Jisoo to come down, hoping to go to the track with her for the morning run. She practically runs down the stairs, smiling as she sees us. Skipping the last 2 stairs, she jumps to the base of the stairwell walking to us.

"Ready to go ?" She asks me. I nod, walking along with her to the track. Jin catches up to us rather hastily after checking something on his phone.

"I gotta go. Archery meet. I'll be there for class, though." He quickly kisses Jisoo's forehead, and pats my shoulder, and starts to make his way to the sports center. I grab his wrist before he can leave, effectively stopping him.

"Why don't I get a kiss ?" I tease. He smirks, blowing a kiss to me, winking at Jisoo and snagging his wrist out of my hand, continuing to walk away from us.

"Let's go." Jisoo starts to tug me behind her, walking rapidly to the track. I slide my arm around her shoulder instead, walking a little faster. When we reach the track, we split paths, each of us going to our own locker rooms. As I walk out of the building, I see Lisa waiting for Jisoo outside. I walk over to her, intrigued.

"What are you doing here ?" I ask.

She flinches surprised, falling over with her crutches. I catch her waist, her crutches thrown off to the side. One of her hands grips my bicep and the other holds my shoulder. Her eyes bore into mine, her face reading itself very clearly; At the moment, she was somewhere between flustered and angry.

"Let me go, you minuscule oaf." She snarls.

"Why ?" I smirk, raising my eyebrow at her.

Jisoo walks out of the locker room, frowning at the crutches on the ground. Picking them up and walking to us, her frown quickly turns into a smile. Handing Lisa her crutches, she helps her stand up properly while I fiddle with my fingers.

"Good. You're not hurt. Let's go." She says, walking right past me, alongside Lisa. I catch up to them, confused. Turning slightly to Lisa, I debate whether I should ask her or not.

"What are you doing here ?" I repeat.

"Coach told me to be here. She said that I could be there for the team," she says, a bit sourly.

"Oh," I nod, pretending to listen to Jisoo.

~ Cut to after the morning run ~

I sit down with a thump as I reach my seat, swinging my backpack off my shoulder and setting it down. Jin digs through his bag, pulling out a water bottle.

"Forgot again ?" He asks, nudging my shoulder with it. I nod gratefully, taking it from him. I chug half of it, setting it on the corner of my desk. "Did you improve ?" He asks.

"No. If anything I got worse. Last night took a toll on m-"

"What happened last night ?" He asks skeptically.

"Long story short, I made a deal with Lisa. She's going to train me for the championships." I say, feeling ashamed of myself.

"How's she going to do that? Her leg's injured. " He asks incredulously.

"I don't know. But I have a feeling that it's going to work out. I sigh, bringing out my notebook as I see the professor walk in. Jin sits in his seat next to mine, doing the same.

( They're all in the second row, Lisa next to Jungkook, Jungkook next to Jin, Jin next to Jisoo, and Jisoo is by the wall )

As the professor drawls on, my eyes start to flutter no matter how much I try to keep them open. Jin notices, throwing various pieces of crumpled, colored paper at my head, claiming that it was to help 'keep me awake'. Eventually, he stops pelting me, having been told of Jisoo, who ironically, threw a pencil at him to get his attention. I feel my eyelids get heavier and heavier as I have more and more trouble with keeping my eyes open. At one point, I stop caring and let my head rest on the desk. I catch Jin's gaze as I roll my eyes at his attempts of stifling his laughter.

"Just for five minutes," I tell myself as I close my eyes. 

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