Chapter 44 ~ The Festival

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3rd Persons' POV ~ 

Fortunately, the sting of the twigs on the ground never dug into her soft palms.

Because someone had caught her. 

"Ack-!" Her scream resounds as she falls. 

Jung kook's eyes had grown alarmed, his body swerving from the side of the stairwell where he was waiting to in front of it, catching her waist. The entirety of her arms had been slung over his broad muscular shoulders, the upper half of her body against his. Her legs remained on the last step of the staircase, the ledge of it digging into the middle of her small yet capable feet. 

"Already fell for me ?" He grins after making sure no part of her was even slightly scathed. He lets her step down, retracting his grasp on her only after she's planted firmly on the ground.

"Shut up." She mutters, smoothing her dress down with a cough, and tucking the strand that had escaped back behind her ear. "You look nice." She smiles at him.

"I do, don't I ?" He winks, looking back ahead of them.

"Ugh, this is so awkward." She says, punching his shoulder and ruffling up his hair. "Let's just pretend we're hanging out."

A small smile grows on his face. "Sure. The only difference being that this is a date." 

"Of course it is," She rants, making him smile a bit wider. "But I'd rather not describe our first date as 'awkward'."

"First ?" He presses, grinning teasingly. "Are there going to be more ?"

"You pay too much attention to me." She grumbles, blushing slightly. 

"Should I not ?" He asks, both of them walking into the sunset along the sidewalk. They were heading downtown. 

"Is that a question ?" She laughs. 

"Of course it is. I don't know how any of this goes."

"Any of what ?"

"You know...." He mutters. "Liking someone." 

"You cheesy git !" She chuckles, nudging his elbow. "Where did your rude charm go ?"

"You liked that ?" He ask, taken aback. 

"How could I not ? It was honest."

"Right." He nods, standing up for himself.

'Note to self,' he thinks. 'She likes honesty.'

'Well who wouldn't, idio-'

"Tell me about yourself." She asks, some of the loose strands in her beautiful hair flowing around against the tangerine sun. 

"Tell you what ? You know nearly everything." 

"Just the small things. You know, your favorite anim- Bunny. Hands down. It's a bunny, isn't it ?" She laughs, looking at him. He nods with a knowing smile. "I guess I do know some things."

"Why don't you try guessing ?"

"Your favorite things ?"

"Mhmm." He says. 

"Me ?" She asks cheekily, framing her face with her hands before scoffing and dropping her act. "God, that was disgusting." She smiles. 

"You weren't wrong." He shrugs with a rare twinkle in his eyes.

"What ?" Her head snaps to him, a faint crack coming from her slender neck. 

"Next guess." He coughs. 

"Oh-umm-," She stutters. "Favorite color...." She hums quietly. 

"Go on."

"I know you don't like dark colors..." She ponders. 

Meanwhile he was having fun with this. How would she react when she found out he had no favorite color ?

"Maybe you're like me !" She grins. "Yellow. I think yellow's your favorite color." She insists. 

She looked utterly beautiful at the moment, her wavy brunette curls floating around in the air with a bright smile gracing her lips. Her pearly white teeth peeked through her naturally coral tinged lips, her deep brown eyes glistening. 

He was expecting to come up with some snappy retort to rely on. 

He wasn't expecting to want to kiss her. 

 "Is it ?" She asks eagerly. "Is yellow your favorite ?"

"Huh-?" He asks stupidly. "Oh ! Yeah, it is. Love it to pieces." He admits. 

He hates it. He hates yellow the most of any other hue. 

But he supposed yellow was rather beautiful. He wasn't talking about the boring yellow of the afternoon sun or flowers, no. He was talking about the pretty pastel butter color of her dress. So yes, if yellow described her, yellow was fucking gorgeous. Yellow was the best thing he'd ever set his eyes on, and he wanted it to be the only thing he saw. 

"Cool." She grins. 

Their chatty banter returns yet again as it usually did to fill in their cracks between awkward conversations to form it into some of the best they ever had together. His hand tempts her, her eyes constantly following it when their gazes weren't locked on each other or the carnival lights around them. 

There was a large crowd, parents and kids laughing everywhere. Some families were trying to shoot down bottles of milk with baseballs, and others were trying to shoot down indestructible cardboard penguins. Some couples were simply walking around and others were arguing with vigor, brushing themselves against each other. 

The crowded area pushes and pulls in random directions, often separating groups. A sudden push of boldness rushes through her, and her hand inches towards his, sliding into it. 

He felt his heart burst before looking at her in surprise. "You know, so we won't lose each other in the crowd." She mutters. 

"Yeah. Good idea," He nods, trying extremely hard to suppress that growing grin of his.

They were squished together, the large sea of people squashing their shoulders together. She tucks their hands into the pocket of her skirt, looking around for somewhere to escape. 

"Let's just keep walking ahead." He suggests. 

Even if they didn't do anything, it'd still be the best date he'd ever been on. Not to mention it was good contender for the best day of his college days. 

"If you want to." She shrugs. 

Their feet shuffle in close range within each other, and they continue to walk down the large pathway with a light conversation held between them. 

"How 'bout that café ?" He grins. 

"You don't like coffee." She said. "You said it was too bitter for you."

"When did I say that ?" He frowns. 

"You don't remember ?" She blinks in surprise. "Tzuyu asked you on a coffee date and you said you didn't like coff-"

"I do." He says. "I do like coffee. I said that just to let it down gently." 

"Why didn't you want to go with her ?"

"I had someone else in mind." 

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