Chapter 108 ~ A Third Party

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People who read this book before it got deleted will recognize this chapter ;) 


3rd Person's POV ~

Jungkook lugged his freshly showered self to the bathroom mirror, giving himself a quick once over. He had a loose black shirt that was unbuttoned and casually worn like a jacket over a solid white shirt. He'd tried to wear something that might have made him look like a more classy guy, but when he tried, the buttons of the other shirt nearly popped. He couldn't breathe, and he looked more like a toddler's stuffed animal rather than a boy. With his better judgement, he decided to ditch the silk and just wear what he usually he would. 

He walked out of the bathroom, managing a small smile at Lisa's form which was still entangled in his sweatshirt and bedsheets. The cloth had ridden up against her skin, her face buried in a heap of fabric. A large yellow bunny was captive in her deathly tight grasp that he personally had experienced, and he sent an apologetic glance at it, and it's beady eyes seemed to scream, 'get me out of here, punk'.

"Sorry dude, she's your problem." Jungkook mutters at the inanimate object, heading out of his room and shutting his door. 

He stifled a yawn and made his way to the coffee maker, frowning at the messy note scrawled on a piece of paper next to it. He picked it up, squinting at the nearly incorrigible letters. 

All of us are at a beach. Jennie told us it's really pretty during morning hours. We asked Lisa if you guys wanted to come, but she slapped me and told me to let her sleep. We'll be back at evening hours. Text us if you want to come. We'll pick you up. 

                                                              ~ Freshly-slapped Taehyung

He rolled the piece of paper up into a crumpled mess, chucking it into a trash can not far away. He pressed a mug under the dispenser in the machine, pressing a mixture of creamery into the top. He listened to the soft hum of the coffee maker combined with the traffic outside. It was about 8 in the morning, yes, but traffic in a big city was horrible at any given second. 

The cars honked at each other angrily, momentarily stopping when an old lady had lifted her cane threateningly at them. The hum of the machine next to him was there for so long that he'd forgotten that it was only temporary. When the coffee had finished spilling into the mug, he retracted it from the machine, walking over to the couch. 

He sat on the ledge of the furniture, not bothering to settle himself into a warm haven. He didn't want to risk getting to Lisa's parent's house late. He was scrolling through his phone, the beverage in his mug halfway down when a bed-headed girl had stumbled out of his room. He took one glance at her before smiling. 

"You've gotten comfortable around me." He grins. 

She'd ditched his sweatshirt, and he recalled her pretty blush last night when she'd spotted yet another one of his clothes with his last name printed boldly on the back. She didn't seem to mind though. Now, the cloth was long gone, and he spotted it neatly folded on the center of his bed amongst the messy sheets. She barely had any clothes on, a lacy white bralette and simple black shorts covering slivers of her body. 

He set the mug aside, welcoming her zombie like form into his embrace. She walked sleepily into his warmth, feeling like her legs were lead. Her body was between his legs, his upturned chin meeting her collarbone while her arms wrapped around his shoulders. His hands had grown warmer from holding the coffee, sliding around her waist. His fingers didn't touch her bare skin, his jacket blocking him from doing so. Finally, she thought, she was finally taller than him. 

"Shut up." She said in response to his previous statement. "Dork." His hands slowly dropped back down to his lap, letting her hug him. His fingers were by her thighs and she simply tried to push him on the couch, trying to sleep on him. 

"No, I have to leave soon !" He laughs, resisting against the urge to comply. 

"How much time do you have ?" She managed to mumble. 

"None. I have to leave right now." He frowns at his watch. She smiles and presses a soft kiss on his hair before pulling away and heading to her room. 

She decided to split courses for a while, heading to walk him out. She remained behind the kitchen wall, her body barely covered. "Bye, I'm leaving !" He declares, his hand on the door knob. When she simply gives him a small sleepy 'hm' of acknowledgement, he rolls his eyes. "Nothing ?" He asks. "No hug ?"

She rolled her eyes, spotting a thick spare blanket poking out between the crevices of their supply shelfs. She walked forward, inching towards it. He simply picked her up like a leaf, her feet suspended in mid air. Her hands were gripping his shoulders tight in order not to fall, but a teasing grin came over her face. 

"Put me down." 

"Not until I get what I want." He raised a cocky eyebrow at her. 

She smiled mockingly, acting like she was going to comply. Her hands floated up to his face, and his lips were barely a centimeter away before she decided to speak up. "I bet I can get you out of here without kissing you." 

"Impossible." He murmurs softly. 

"You're late." She says simply. 

He stopped leaning in, freezing. For a moment, he did nothing before his eyes snapped open, setting her down on the carpet and snatching his keys off the dresser. 

"Oh, shit !"

Thirty minutes later, he hopped out of his car, glancing at his watch. He was right on time. He sighed in relief, knocking on the door and shaking Lisa's father's hand. He'd grown to be less intimidating to Jungkook from the first time he'd met the guy. 

Jungkook bid a quick greeting to her mother, starting on unloading the party supplies when a scrawny boy stares him down. 

"Can I help you ?" Jungkook coughs. 

"Are you her boyfriend ?"

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