Chapter 61 ~ 7 Months Later

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*A/N :

I don't know if you're freaking out by the title or not, but I just want to clear up that nobody broke up.

In fact, nothing is different except all 8 friends now live together as I mentioned in the previous chapter. Also, I just wanted to do the time skip to make things less awkward around the male and female lead.

Thanks for reading this far ! I promise, there's so much in store for you guys :)


3rd Person's POV ~

7 Months Later :

"MOVE !" Jin shouts out Jungkook who leisurely takes his own sweet time with carrying groceries. He and Lisa worked out more than him by at least a tenfold, but even their strength was starting to wear out as the rest of the group made sure to double over in laughter randomly to make their journey to the dorms even harder.

"Ah, be careful what you ask for." Jungkook says sagely before he starts hoist the bags in the air with ease and dance. "I like to move it, move it, I like to move it, move it." He sings.

Lisa had started to laugh upon seeing Jin's irritated face as Jungkook's behind often rammed into his chest. "Oh for gods sake," He grumbles, his veins nearly popping out of his forearms as he trudges to the top of the stairs where Jisoo made sure to take the longest time with searching for her keys.

He grunts behind her in exhaustion mumbling a quick, "Come on, not you too," before sliding the bags down to his elbow and stretching the back pocket of her jeans, picking a silver key out and handing it to her blushing form. She mutters apologies profusely, kicking open the door and getting out of their way.

"Why didn't he grab it from my pocket ?" Jungkook asks in disappointment, popping out his hip to show another set of keys pressing against his pocket. Lisa laughs and kicks his rear, getting a howl of pain in return as they march flawlessly through the halls, dropping the bags on the floor.

Taehyung had stayed behind to lock the door firmly before joining everyone else in the extra bedroom that they'd somehow managed to turn into a mini theater. Jin had taken the more amusing approach, slapping Jungkook upside the head before disappearing into the room and saying, "Dinner's all yours tonight !" with a truckload of glee injected into him.

"Not so fast." Jungkook smiles, catching Lisa's waist in the midst of her embark to escape the kitchen.

"No...." She groans, somehow laughing when he swings her up in the air and makes her land closer to the stove. Her fingers dig into the crevices of his grasp, trying to pry apart his arms. "I'm no good in the kitchen, you know that." She protests.

"Think about all the possibilities," He muses, still refusing to let go of her. "We could poison them."

"The whole lot ?" She asks, a sly smile spreading across her face.

"Yup. And all with your attempt at cooking pasta." He teases, his grasp getting stronger on her the moment she tries to turn and deliver more blows to his already bruised shoulder.

"Fine, fine." She chuckles, giving up and slumping limply on his forearm. "Deal. I'll cook with you."

The second he lets go of her, she lunges for the solid black apron, looping it around her neck and fastening it around her waist before he could process what she'd done. Of course once he had realized, he groans in the midst of her chuckles in the background.

"I should've known." He grumbles, trudging to the frilly prink apron and holding it up. It was the spare that they almost never used since it was usually just one person on dinner duty. "Do I really have to wear this ?"

"Unless you want sauce splattered on that hoodie of yours." She says slyly, putting it over his neck and tying it behind his back. "It won't fit." She laughs. He tenses his back, puffing his chest out as the ties on either end faster to each other. He relaxes, and the fabric springs apart around his broad shoulders, the loose strings severing themselves from the rest of the ensemble.

She laughs while he scowls, going to pick up the bonnet that had fallen from the wall-mounted hook. "And a hat to complete the look." She says, bedazzling his head with a nauseatingly vibrant pink colored cloth, fastening the ties below his chin. She walks backwards, taking a good look at him before slipping out her phone and winking at him.

"Don't you dare." He warns, a smirk starting to grow. 

"Try me." 

He charges at her, and as ridiculous as he looked, running full speed at her with the baby's bonnet pushed back from the wind and the frills surrounding his head like he was a maniacal toddler who'd been dressed wrong, she couldn't help but laugh.

She sets her phone down, her hand clutching her stomach as she starts to laugh, her head slightly thrown back. He smiles, hopping over the severed ties from the rest of his apron and catching her before she fell. His hands caught her elbows, pulling her laughing form to his pink-smothered one.

"I will never forgive you if you take a picture of me like this." He grins into her ear. She couldn't quite stop her laughter as her hands gripped the cloth by his shoulder.

"You---ridiculous--my niece---Just like her..." She gasps, trying to catch a breath for the life of her.

"Oi, shut up." He pleads her, pulling her closer. "They'll come out to see what the noise is about and get a load of this instead." He looks up at the lace of the bonnet that had fallen into his eyes. She chuckles, brushing it aside and cupping his face.

"You look horrifying." She says with a smile, her ponytail brushing across her nape as she turns her face.

"Thank you." He articulates, not expecting her to tilt her face and kiss him.

Slowly, he loses his awareness and the smile on his face faded away, one of his hands strictly imprisoning her waist and the other on the back of her head. The bonnet's obnoxious frills brush against Lisa's face, and she starts to laugh into his lips, hers stretching into a great grin before she falls back into a pit of uncontrollable laughter.

"God, you look ridiculous." She howls in her midst of chuckles, trying to adjust the bonnet on his head which had now framed his face to look more like a middle aged aunt that had stumbled out from a kid's Barbie collection.

Safe to say that after several distractions, wrestling and a mess of tangled limbs, she'd finally gotten a photo of him. 


*A/N :

I don't know what happened, but I feel like my writing has suddenly gotten so much better. 

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